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They would take her to the asylum; she felt that the Sawtooth had the power, that she had played directly into their hands, and that they would be as ruthless in dealing with her as they had been with the nesters whom they had killed.

Now, half of those shacks you see speckled around are empty. The rest hold nesters too poor to get outa the country. One or two, that had a little money, have stuck and gone into sheep. But from here on to Dry Creek there's nothing ranging but the Flying U brand. Not much compared to what the old range used to be but still it keeps things going.

Maybe the way I got into it will explain how most train robbers start in the business. Five out of six Western outlaws are just cowboys out of a job and gone wrong. The sixth is a tough from the East who dresses up like a bad man and plays some low-down trick that gives the boys a bad name. Wire fences and "nesters" made five of them; a bad heart made the sixth.

"What are 'nesters'?" asked Amelia. "I guess you'd call 'em 'squatters' farther East. We don't like them on the ranges. They are small farmers who come and take up quarter sections of the open lands and fence them in." "But is there really a treasure buried on Rose Ranch?" asked Nan, much more interested in this than she wished the others to observe. "Why, I suppose so. They all say so.

"Throw in with me, girl. I'm going to fight these nesters off the Three Bar among the rest if you don't quit. I'll smash the Three Bar into mincemeat unless you run this damned Harris off and quit this game." It was the first time Slade had ever threatened.

The voice of the Texan fell upon her ears softly as from a distance, and she turned her eyes to the boyish faced cow-puncher who viewed life lightly and who, she had learned, was the thorough master of his wilderness, and very much a man. "I love it too," he was saying. "This bad land best of all. What with the sheep, an' the nesters, the range country must go.

We can't jerk you out of the hands of the army if you git mixed up with it; that's one place where we stop. The reservation's a middle ground where we meet the nesters rustlers, every muddy-bellied wolf of 'em, and we can prove it and pass 'em by. They come and go here like white men, and nothing said.

The rest of the country became settled up by these nesters, but I was left alone for some eight years absolutely undisturbed and in complete control of this considerable block of land. More than that the County Assessor and collector actually missed me for two years, not even knowing of my existence; and for the whole period of eight years I never paid one cent for rent.

"You can't understand our side of it, Miss Frances," Chadron spoke impatiently, reaching out for the bundle that his wife was bringing while she was yet two rods away "for you ain't been robbed and wronged by them nesters like we have. You've got to live it to know what it means, little lady. We've argued with 'em till we've used up all our words, but their fences is still there.

It is September the month of restlessness for the birds. Weeks ago the first migrants started on their southward journey, the more delicate insect-eaters going first, before the goldfinches and other late nesters had half finished housekeeping.