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We became nesters and were continually harassed by a big cattle owner nearby who wanted our range. We had to get out. Grandfather thought there might be an opportunity to take up some land in this territory. Bob was well, Bob took mother's death so hard that we didn't want to stay in Texas any longer. The outlook wasn't bright. Bob was too young to work " "Lazy, I reckon," jeered Calumet.

She remembered Doubler as one of the nesters whom Duncan had mentioned that day on the butte overlooking the river, and though her father and Duncan had a perfect right to discuss him, it seemed to Sheila that there had been a serious note in their voices when they had mentioned his name. She had become acquainted with Doubler.

Among the parties which arrived was one that had been among the Snake nation stealing horses, and returned crowned with success. As they passed in triumph through the village they were cheered by the men, women, and children, collected as usual on the tops of the lodges, and were exhorted by the Nesters of the village to be generous in their dealings with the white men.

Macdonald tried to tell her in one long and earnest look all this. She nodded, seeming to understand. "You've double-crossed me, King," Chadron accused, in the flat voice of a man throwing down his hand. "I brought you up here to throw these nesters off of our land." "The civil courts must decide the ownership of that," returned King, sourly. "Disarm that man!"

Upon the crest of a high foothill that is a spur of Tiger Ridge, Tex swerved abruptly from the trail and headed straight for the mountains that loomed out of the darkness. On and on he rode, keeping wherever possible to the higher levels to avoid the fences of the nesters whose fields and pastures followed the windings of the creek bottoms. Higher and higher they climbed and rougher grew the way.

"That would be squarer, and more to my liking, than hiring somebody else to do it for you, Mr. Chadron. Ride on I don't want to stand here and quarrel with you." "I'm goin' to clear you nesters out of there up the river" Chadron waved his hand in the direction of which he spoke "and put a stop to your rustlin' before another month rolls around.

"I'll say they was hard! Nobody but us nesters knows what hard times is. Out west of here they went three years without rain, and all around here people was starvin'. Grown folks was thin and tired, and children was sickly they was too peaked to play. Why, we took in a hull family wagon-folks. Their hosses died and they couldn't go on, so we kep' 'em 'til we burned out.

But Brill Healy claimed a distinction above his fellows. He was a black-haired, picturesque fellow, as supple as a panther, reckless and yet wary. "We'll have rustling as long as we have nesters, Brill," Buck told him. "If that's the case we'll serve notice on the nesters to get out," Healy replied. Buck grinned.

Cal Warren had been the vanguard of each new rush of settlers that had pushed Bill Harris on to another range, and the cowman had come to see the hand of fate in this persistence. The nesters streamed westward on all the trails, filing their rights on the fertile valleys and pushing those who would be cattle barons undisputed back into the more arid regions.

I'm about as mad as you are over it. I ain't good for much no more, an' if I shuffles off fighting barb wire I'll be doing my duty. First it was nesters, then railroads an' more nesters, then sheep, an' now it's wire won't it never stop? By the Lord, it's got to stop, or this country will go to the devil an' won't be fit to live in.