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Cuckoo flamed at him. "She is, she is," she cried vehemently, all her passion trying to find a vent in the words. "You shan't have her, you shan't have her, you shan't if " "Neow, neow; I ain't sying nothink ag'in 'er," he interposed. "She's a pretty dawg, a very pretty dawg. 'Ow much do yer sy, lydy?" Cuckoo sickened. She looked away. She could not have met the eyes of Jessie at that moment.

Martin, I've fit and work'd and work'd and fit jest for my vittles and drink. Neow when I'm tew old tew 'joy it, a fortin comes to me." "Is that so?" answered Mr. Martin. "I am very glad; but tell me, what is it? Your neighbors will all be glad to hear of your good luck." "Read that," said Seth, handing him the letter triumphantly. The postmaster read the manuscript.

Martin inquired, "How did it happen, Seth, that you threw away your money on that lottery scamp, when we showed you that the whole thing was a cheat?" "Wall, neow, arter it's all lost," replied Seth, "I'll tell yeou jest heow 'twas. Human natur' is naturally suspectin'. I tho't yeou and that ar' t'other postoffis fellah want'd to git the prize for yeourselfs; an' I didn't mean to be beat so."

"Hev you been 'long that ere cross-road 't opens aout through the woods onto the three-mile square?" asked Mr. Jonathan. "I've been a thinkin' on't as heow the young uns might ha took that ere ef they was flustered beout knowin' the way neow mos' likely." "Oh, what a splendid, good man you are!" said Gypsy, jumping up and down, and clapping her hands with delight.

"Some neow 's all'as runnin' their saw right through everythin', no marter heow hard she wrarstles and complains ag'in' it. But when mine gives the first squeak, I sets right deown with 'er and examines of 'er, and then I takes a swab-cloth and I swabs her. Forced-to-go 'specially ef she ain't iled never gits far, ye know." O delicious sound of uncorrupted philosophy once more! Mrs.

I can take care of the sick gentleman. But what has happened, Micah?" "Well, there's goin' to be a funeral. I can't jestly tell ye abeout it neow. Ye can ax yer sir, when he comes in", said Micah, reluctant to go into particulars which he knew would shock Adèle. "Well, Captin", said Micah, when Mr. Norton made his appearance at the door, here's a reg'lar wind-fall for ye.

"Wal, Leony Rogers she 't was cousin to Tryphosy she was called the harndsomest gal in them parts, 'nd I had considerable hopes. So 't when she asts me, 'Neow what 'll ye have for tea, Leezur? 'They ain't nothin' I likes so well, says I, ''s a mess o' codfish mixed up along o' eggs and thickenin'.

Shell git eout o' conceit with thy ways thee ain't the pootiest-mannered feller a gal ever see an' thee'll git eout o' conceit with hern. Thee'll think she's a-gittin' stuck up, an' she'll think thee's a-gittin'low-minded. Neow, Jim, my 'dvice is good; an' ef thee'll take it, an' not go on with this thing no furder, thee'll both be glad on it arterwa'ds.

He has taken the place of Aunt Patty, who is tired out and has gone to rest". "Well, that piece of flesh, what's called McNab, has the greatest fakkilty of gittin' tired eout when there's any work reound, that ever I see. Any heow, she's got to stir herself this time. But I want to see the minister, neow". "Yes, I will speak to him. But I shall not call Aunt Patty. She is tired now.

Neow, yeou'll skasely believe it," he continued, "but it's tre-u, that ef yeou were tew hea-ar me talk at the end of a week, yeou'd he-ardly realise that I was an Amurican at all." "Cray, how can ye?" exclaimed Aunt Christie, "and so wan as ye look this morning too." "Seen my brother?" inquired Crayshaw meekly. "No, I have not," said Miss Crampton bridling. "He's merried.