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The sun beat down hot; the dry, scorching desert breeze swept down from the bare hills, across the waste; dust flew up in puffs; uprooted clumps of sage, like balls, went rolling along; and everywhere the veils of heat rose from the sun-baked earth. "Drill, ye terriers, drill!" rang out a cheery voice. And Neale remembered Casey. Neale's gang was put to carrying ties.

Then he deliberately took out his watch and studied it. His hand trembled slightly. He did not raise his eyes again to Neale's face. "I'll call you later," he said. "You stay here. I'll send some one in." With that he went out. Neale remained standing, his eyes fixed on the gray-green slope, seen through the window.

He went away to some distant part of the garden with his burden; came back, disappeared; re-appeared with more ashes; went again down the garden. And each time he left the door wide open. A sudden notion which he neglected to think over flashed into Neale's mind.

Neale's face flushed as if he himself had been charged with abstracting those securities. His hand shook as he set down his glass, and he looked helplessly from one partner to another. Joseph merely shook his head, and poured out another glass of sherry for himself: Gabriel shook his head, too, but with a different expression. "We don't know exactly how things are," he continued.

The chief and his engineers, the officers and their wives, all vied with one another in their efforts to celebrate Neale's return to work. The dinner party was merry, yet earnest, too. Baxter made a speech, his fine old face alight with gladness as he extolled youth and genius and the inspiring power of bright eyes. Neale had to answer.

I'll be back." "You want to hurry," rejoined Campbell. "We've only a half-hour to eat an' catch the work-train." Larry strode back toward the lodging-house. And it was Campbell who led Neale into the restaurant and ordered the meal. Neale's mind was not in a whirl, nor dazed, but he did not get much further in thought than the remarkable circumstance of General Lodge sending for him personally.

Indeed, I've give him money many a time to buy a book when I needed the chink myself for terbacker." "But " "And Twomley said I was doin' wrong. Less the boy learned, less he'd be like his father. And I expect Twomley's right." "What was the matter with Neale's father?" questioned Agnes, almost afraid that she was overstepping the bounds of decency in asking.

The red, leering, evil visage, with its prominent, hard features, grew more vivid in memory, as Neale's mind revolved closer to discovery. "Inside with you, Neale," yelled Baxter. Baxter and Neale, with the four young engineers, took to the several rooms of the log cabin, where each selected an aperture between the logs or a window through which to fire upon the Indians.

Chestermarke," he said. "But I say! I've got another notion I'm not a very quick thinker, and I daresay my idea came out of Mr. Neale's suggestion. Anyway, it's this for whatever it's worth. I told you that we only got home night before last early on Saturday evening, as a matter of fact. Now, it was known in the town here that we'd returned we drove through the Market-Place.

Trix Severn was noted for her skating, and heretofore had been champion of all the girls of her own age, or younger. She was fourteen nearly two years older than Agnes Kenway. But Agnes was a vigorous and graceful skater. Since the green tinge had faded out of Neale's hair, and it had grown to a respectable length, the girls had all cast approving glances at him.