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It must be observed, in general, that the names in the Latin classics belong to a much later period of the Egyptian religion than the names found on most of the monuments. It will be found, that, as in the change from Nu to Anubis, it is difficult to trace the progress of a name from one to the other.

You remember, mamma, from brasses " "Abrahm not now " "Go 'way with your 'not now'! I want Leon should meet him. Sol, this is him a little grown up from such a nebich like you remember him nu? Sarah, you remember Sol Ginsberg? Say I should ask you if you remember your right hand! Ginsberg & Esel, the firm.

"No, I am not scared, but I realize that we are in danger every minute we stay here. Those men wouldn't trifle with us, were they to catch us. Do you know what they would do to us if they caught us here, Chunky?" "Nu -nu -no." "They would fill us full of lead, that's what they would do. Light another match while I look into this niche. Then we will be making tracks for the outside."

Nu... Patom, some soldiers came early in the afternoon and they said that some policeman had been firing from Katya's windows and they must search the flat. They were very polite quite a young student was in charge of them, he was rather like Boris and they went all over everything.

Everything about him seemed to Nina ridiculous his cold bath in the morning, his trouser-press, the little silver-topped bottles on his table, the crease in his trousers, his shining neat hair, the pearl pin in his black tie, his precise and careful speech, the way that he said "Nu tak... Spasebo... gavoreet... gariachy..." She was never tired of imitating him; and very soon he caught her strutting about the dining-room with a man's cap on her head, twisting a cane and bargaining with an Isvostchick this last because, only the evening before, he had told them with great pride of his cleverness in that especial direction.

The English laborer, who has been forbidden State Lotteries, relieves the monotony of existence by an extremely indirect interest in the achievements of a special breed of horses. "Nu, Pesach, another glass of rum," said Mr. Belcovitch genially to his future son-in-law and boarder. "Yes, I will," said Pesach. "After all, this is the first time I've got engaged." The rum was of Mr.

He did not look up as I came in. The room was darker than usual; the green shade over the lamp was tilted wickedly as though it were cocking its eye at Markovitch's vain hopes, and there was the man himself, one cheek a ghastly green, his hair on end and his chair precariously balanced. I heard him say as though he repeated an incantation "Nu Vot... Nu Vot... Nu Vot."

"Their track is evidently from the north and eastward," said the Major; "had we not better change our course more to the northward?" "No, I should think not; they have probably travelled on this side of the Nu Gareip or Black River.

In the course of them she was like some impassioned bird of brilliant plumages, tossing her feathers, fluttering behind the bars of her cage at some impertinent, teasing passer-by. She stood there now in the doorway, gesticulating with her hands. "Nu, Tznaiesh schto? Michael Alexandrovitch has put me off says he is busy all night at the office. He busy all night!

Night after night, dark apparitions hang around my bed, and only last night I awoke to find the Bird of Nu, the Owl, from out the inner Sanctuary of the Temple, perched upon my pillow and shaking his head and croaking at me most mournfully." "What!" exclaimed the Priestess. "The Bird of Nu. Ah! this is indeed very serious. The matter must be investigated at once.