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Maupertuis faisoit instruire un perroquet par son laquais, et vouloit qu'on lui apprit des mots extraordinaires. Depuis deux ans le laquais, enseignoit a l'animal a dire monomotapa, et le perroquet n'en disoit que des syllabes separees. Maupertuis faisoit des reproches au laquais; "Oh, monsieur," dit celui-ci, "cela ne va pas si vite; je lui ai d'abord appris mo et puis no."

Ainsi n'en parlons plus. I have just been reading an excellent article on the Catacombs, in the 'Edinburgh Review. It is a subject which has always interested me, but very likely I should not have begun with this particular article if I had not known it was by you. Circourt wrote to me about it, and so deprived me of the pleasure of finding it out for myself, which I think I could have done.

Tout en prenant cette mesure de précaution, la Russie n'en discontinuait pas moins de rechercher de toutes ses forces une issue de cette situation et déclara être prête

Victoire and Clarice smiled curiously, while Émile, with an expression savoring of paganism and pig-tails, squinted obliquely toward our doctor. "Nous n'en savons rien" they answered me.

C'est le seul jour que je puisse passer chez moi; et encore je n'en suis pas absolument certaine mais je ferai tellement mon possible, que ma bonne etoile m'y aidera peut-etre un peu. Agreez mille remerciments de coeur ainsi que Monsieur Browning, que j'espere voir avec vous, pour la sympathie que vous m'accordez. George Sand. Paris: 12 fevrier '52."

The youth struggled with a ghastly smile; and the father laughed outright. But Madame de Savenaye checked herself into gravity once more. "Alas! Nous n'en sommes pas encore l

I always take one leg and the liver for myself, and the totties roast the rest, and melt all the fat and entrails down in an iron pot and eat it with a wooden spoon. Je n'en revenais pas. 'What! the whole leg and liver at one meal? 'Every bit; ay, and you'd do the same, ma'am, if you were there. No bread, no salt, no nothing mutton and water.

Que d'ane et de beu je sai Dans ce royaume de Gaule, Que d'ane et de beu je sai Qui n'en a rien pas tan fai." The surgeon, his wife and the vicar sang together: "Que d'ane et de beu je sai Dans ce royaume de Gaule, Que d'ane et de beu je sai Qui n'en a rien pas tan fai."

"Yes, there you have it, your justice administered by jury, ils n'en font point d'autres," he said, for some unknown reason, in French. "I know you do not agree with me, but it can't be helped, c'est mon opinion bien arretee," he added, giving utterance to an opinion he had for the last twelve months been reading in the retrograde Conservative paper. "I know you are a Liberal."

Sophie Mitoux had hers painted with a coral comb and earrings. How shabby this style is!" "I beg of you, my good Reine, let me follow my own fancy; an artist is a being of inspiration and spontaneity. Meanwhile, you make your bust too prominent; there is no necessity for you to look as if you had swallowed a whale. L'art n'est pas fait pour toi, tu n'en as pas besoin.