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The girl told her he had done so, and with the most singular form of oath she had ever heard in her life. "Well, since he has sworn, we have him fast," said Leonora. "Oh, what a good thought it was of mine to make him swear!" They were now met by the whole party advancing in procession, with the musico in the midst of them, and the negro and Guiomar lighting the way.

Il primo uomo, il musico, sings beautifully, but his voice is uneven; his name is Caselli. Il secondo uomo is quite old, and does not at all please me. The tenor's name is Ottini; he does not sing unpleasingly, but with effort, like all Italian tenors. We know him very well. The name of the second I don't know; he is still young, but nothing at all remarkable.

There are some radical differences between the two. By a very ancient and inviolable regulation, the so-called 'musico, or artificial soprano, is never allowed to sing in the Chapel of the Choir, where the soprano singers are without exception men who sing in falsetto, though they speak in a deep voice.

He asserts that in the Bay of Pailon, in Esmeraldos, Ecuador, i.e. on the Pacific Coast, and also up more than one of the rivers, he has heard a similar sound, attributed by the natives to a fish which they call 'The Siren, or 'Musico. At first, he says, he thought it was produced by a fly, or hornet of extraordinary size; but afterwards, having advanced a little farther, he heard a multitude of different voices, which harmonised together, imitating a church organ to great perfection.

Seeing this, she stepped joyfully to the door; and in a voice not so low as before, called out to the dueña, who was waiting with her ear to the trap-hole. "Good news, sister; Carrizales is sleeping more soundly than the dead." "What stops you then from taking the key, señora?" said the dueña. "The musico has been waiting for it this hour and more."

So saying, she caught hold of him by the breeches, and drew him within the door, where the rest immediately gathered close round him. One of them ran off with the news to her mistress, who stood watching her husband; and who, when she heard that the musico was actually within doors, was moved almost at the same moment by joy and fear, and hurriedly asked if he had sworn.

I enjoyed what was to me the surprising satisfaction of seeing this article subsequently reproduced in Italian, in a Milan musical journal, where, to my amusement, I saw myself described as Dottissimo Musico Tedesco, a mistake which nowadays would be impossible.

The robbers were really very good sort of people, and the captain was in an excellent humour. When the feasting was over, "'You have not forgotten your promise, Rina, I hope? said he. "'Certainly not, was the reply. 'In a quarter of an hour I am ready. "So saying, she skipped out of the room. "'And you, Signor Musico, said the captain, 'I hope you are going to distinguish yourself.

Added to that, he sings very deep; two octaves and a half, a clear, ringing tone, the two registers are well united. He would make an admirable 'primo musico'. And the little fellow has a pretty face, too. After supper I will make him wash his face, and I will sketch it. I am sure that in less than a year's study, he could make his debut with the greatest success. By Jove! I have an idea!

Cardinal Cicognara is hoodwinking the Pope and the whole city of Rome! "The sculptor at once left the salon, assembled his friends, and lay in wait in the courtyard of the palace. When Zambinella was assured of Sarrasine's departure he seemed to recover his tranquillity in some measure. About midnight after wandering through the salons like a man looking for an enemy, the musico left the party.