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"No, sir; mum's the word. But 'ow if we should meet with a lion?" "Shoot it of course. But there is no such luck in store for us." After this the hunters proceeded with greater caution. As they kept in the thick bush, they frequently startled animals, which they heard leaping up and bursting through the underwood, but seldom got a glimpse, and never a shot. "Tantalising, ain't it, sir?" "Hush!"

But I may as well tell you that this is a secret expedition. If you go you must promise that you will not tell anyone what you see or hear." The tramp's face suddenly took on a peculiar look, but it was gone as quickly. "I gives me woid. I won't open me trap to no one." "Meaning you won't say anything about it?" smiled Ned inquiringly. "Dat's it. Mum's de woid. I won't open me trap."

"Thanks, Peleg, and perhaps you'll never have one like me again and then you'll be dreadfully sorry." "Or glad," murmured Peleg. "Mum's the word, old man." "Oh, I never say nuthin, Master Thomas; you know that," returned the man-of-all-work. A number of the other pupils had been let into the secret, and, led by Dick, they ran off to the woods lining the Cedarville road.

"Be faithful to them and you shall have more 'Linkum money, as you call it. Keep it, for your money down here won't be worth much soon." "Dat's shoah. De cullud people bain't all prayin' for Linkum for notten." "Good-by. Do as I say and you shall be taken care of some day. Say nothing about this." "Mum's de word all roun' ter-night, mas'r." "Huey, are you ready?" "I is, mas'r."

TRUMPETER. See, now! how cleanly the Croat is done Snacks! Master Shooter, and mum's the word. I think your cap is a smartish one. 'Tis a regular swop, as these gents have heard. The above. An Artilleryman. How is this I pray, brother carabineer? Shall we longer stay here, our fingers warming, While the foe in the field around is swarming? SERGEANT. Art thou, indeed, in such hasty fret?

D d clever fellow, faith; but a confounded rascal: but let it go no further; mum's the word! must not slander the dead; and 'tis only my suspicion, you know, after all. Poor fellow: I don't think he was such a rascal; he gave a beggar an angel once, well, boy, have a pinch?

That's one on us." "Don't let them know how we were sold," returned the brother, quickly. "If it leaked out we'd never hear the end of it." "Right you are! Mum's the word!" And it may be added here that the boys kept their word, and said nothing to those at home about how they had been fooled.

"Meaning," said the boatswain, waving the imputation away with his hand, "for you to pretend to be a burglar." "We're both drunk, that's what it is," said the other, resignedly. The boatswain fidgeted. "If you don't agree, mum's the word and no 'arm done," he said, holding out his hand. "Mum's the word," said the soldier, taking it.

They feels sure The Avenger was in the bar just on closing-time." And then Mrs. Bunting sat down. She felt better now. It was natural the police should suspect a public-house loafer. "Then that's why you wasn't able to go and fetch Daisy, I suppose?" He nodded. "Mum's the word, Mrs. Bunting! It'll all be in the last editions of the evening newspapers it can't be kep' out.

Then she must be..." but he stopped at that, rushed at a wall, scrambled up, and promptly scrambled down again. The discovery that his mother was beautiful was one which he felt must absolutely be kept to himself. His father's cigar, however, took so long to smoke, that at last he was compelled to say: "I want to see what Mum's brought home. Do you mind, Daddy?"