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The tests showed the Nieuport monoplane with Gnome motor as first in position; the Breguet biplane was second, and the Deperdussin monoplanes third. The first five machines in order of merit were all engined with the Gnome motor. The records quoted for 1911 form the best evidence that can be given of advance in design and performance during the year.

"Old Schmidt's monoplane is the only other one that comes near us and we can easily outdistance her." "Good! that only leaves the Golden Eagle to contest for the cup with us." "Yes, and she is never going to get it," grinned the Frenchman. "She must not," said the old man, earnestly, "I owe those boys a grudge for the way they robbed me of my ivory.

"We have driven them out of the under galleries at Norwood, Streatham is afire and burning wildly, and Roehampton is ours. Ours! and we have taken the monoplane that lay thereon." A shrill bell rang. An agitated grey-headed man appeared from the room of the Ward Leaders. "It is all over," he cried. "What matters it now that we have Roehampton? The aeroplanes have been sighted at Boulogne!"

Then there had been a short spell of warm weather and this night the boys could see that cool weather was rapidly approaching. As the monoplane winged its way into the gathering gloom and the crisp evening passed into dusk, the body of the Gitchie Manitou grew wet with cold dew. After dark, this began to turn into frost.

Any port in a storm, the sailor says, and that ought to apply to the airship tar just as well. See anything yet, Chum Andy?" "N-no, can't say that I do," came the reply, as the other eagerly bent his gaze on the tree tops that they were beginning to approach closer, for Frank had turned the lever of the deflecting rudder in order to start the monoplane earthward.

He waved his hand to his chums as the monoplane started to race along the level field, accumulating speed as it progressed, until presently at a given point it pointed upwards and started on its air voyage. Ralph was given about the same experience as Bud.

There are several kinds of airships, but the principle ones are monoplanes and biplanes. Mono means one, and monoplane has but one set of "wings," being built much after the fashion of a bird. A biplane, as the name indicates, consists of two sets of planes, one above the other.

After a long loaf before the fire the boys made preparations to return. "Looks a little like the blizzard day," remarked Roy, "and it's certainly getting some colder. I hope the wind won't come up. If it does, I hope it comes out of the north." While he spoke, the two boys took hold of the frame of the monoplane to pull it out onto the smooth snow and head it south.

But while Roy pumped a new shell into place, the erect animal suddenly stumbled and then with a snort whirled and sprang toward the trees. This time when the rifle sounded the great antlers seemed to rise higher and then the moose lunged forward on its head and began kicking in the snow. Norman, gazing at the struggling animal, brought the monoplane to the wide drifts of snow.

This had the effect of checking her momentum, just as the aviator checks the downward rush of his monoplane or biplane when he is making a landing. Tom repeated this maneuver several times, until a glance at his barograph showed that they had but a scant sixty feet to go. There was time but for one more upward throwing of the WHIZZER's nose, and Tom held to that position as long as possible.