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Without being in any way a molly-coddle, still he had been kept safe from a good many of the temptations that beset some boys by the constant association with his father. It was no wonder, therefore, that John Grenfel, as soon as he had talked with Harry and learned of the credentials he bore from his home troop, had welcomed him enthusiastically as a recruit to his own troop.

Dear old Jeff was no milksop or molly-coddle either. He was a strong, brave, efficient man, and an excellent fighter when fighting was necessary. But there was always this angel streak in him. It was rather a wonder, Terry being so different, that he really loved Jeff as he did; but it happens so sometimes, in spite of the difference perhaps because of it. As for me, I stood between.

He knew how rough cowmen often were in their fun, and the only wonder was that they hadn't treated him worse. He supposed that they would have done so had his father not been a ranch-owner. So! they probably thought he was something of a molly-coddle. He was angry enough, but this thought made him angrier that he hadn't been treated worse. Which goes to show what a reasonable thing anger is!

"What! molly-coddle, crying for a softer bed?" asked Dick. "Oh, no I don't care for that if oh! if mother were but alive," little Tom sobbed aloud. "I say," said Dick, after a pause. "There's room at my back, if you'll creep in. There! don't be afraid why, how cold you are, lad." Dick was sorry for his cousin's loss, but could not speak about it.

"Don't you know that it is forbidden?" "Yes," growled Dan, sullenly. "Then why break the rule?" "They'll all be molly-coddles, if they don't know how to fight." "Have you found Emil a molly-coddle? He doesn't look much like one," and Mr. Bhaer brought the two face to face.

What an old compliment-monger he was! He vowed he was deeply smitten with me." "And then went home and took to his bed!" added Mauville, grimly. "You wretch!" said the young woman, playfully. "So that is the reason the dear old molly-coddle did not take me to any of the gay suppers he promised? Is it not strange Saint-Prosper has not met him?"

Something of this derision had begun already, and he had found no secret place to hide his tears. That they would call him a milksop, a molly-coddle, and all kinds of horrid names, he knew, and he had tried manfully to bear-up under persecution. It was not until after many hot and silent drops had relieved the fever of his overwrought brain, that sleep had come to him, and now it was broken thus.

He ought to get his own way, if anybody does, and, if he is not a coward, he will, too," said Mr. Heathcote rather hotly. "Would you have a man a molly-coddle, tied to his wife's apron-string, and not daring to call his soul his own?" "Not at all," replied Edith. "It is the cowards that are the tyrants. 'The bravest are the tenderest, the loving are the daring, as our American poet says.

Two soft arms were thrown round Mrs. Fleming's neck. "I'd do anything for you, though I hate to be a molly-coddle!" whispered Diana. "I'm most fearfully sorry if I've really made you feel ill!" The decoration of the church was only one of the incidents of Christmas; there were other things to be done before the festival arrived.

He was a strong boy to start with, but left to the mercy of so many doting women, he gradually became a helpless molly-coddle. Once he made an attempt to emancipate himself and went to play with the boys of the cottagers. They spent the day in the woods, climbed the trees, robbed the birds' nests and threw stones at the squirrels.