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Price was the product of the new; and the two were typical representatives of the chivalry of the past, high-minded, ill-informed, unforeseeing and the chivalry of the present, which reaches on always into futurity with the long arm of knowledge, not deceiving itself with romantic misrepresentations of things by the way, but fully recognizing what is wrong from the outset, and making direct for the root of the evil instead of contenting itself by lopping a branch here and there.

How could my management in these things cause the Governor such trouble and anxiety? The truth now flashed in mind, that setting the guards and overseers to watch me, had its purpose. Then, there must have been a long and persistent course of running to his Excellency with a tissue of misrepresentations. Had it really befallen me as it befel the man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho?

But little by little she grew weary and rather sad; brought up, as she had been, to admire new ideas, to criticise the social arrangements that one met almost everywhere, and to disapprove of a great many things, she had yet never dreamed of such a wholesale arraignment as Mr. Ransom's, so much bitterness as she saw lurking beneath his exaggerations, his misrepresentations.

Were some parts of it omitted, and false statements rectified, it might not do any harm; and perhaps it might be found advisable to adopt some plan of that kind, making a careful record of the omissions to insert any future misrepresentations, and a like record of such additions or alterations.

Huxley was instantly upon his feet with a speech demolishing the bishop's card house of mistakes; and at the close he observed that since a question of personal preferences had been very improperly brought into a discussion of a scientific theory, he felt free to confess that if the alternatives were descent, on the one hand from a respectable monkey, or on the other from a bishop of the English church who would stoop to such misrepresentations and sophisms as the audience had lately listened to, he would declare in favor of the monkey!... It is curious to read that in the ensuing buzz of excitement a lady fainted, and had to be carried from the room; but the audience were in general quite alive to the bishop's blunder in manners and tactics, and, with the genuine English love of fair play, they loudly applauded Huxley.

The Emperor, upon many powerful reasons, was utterly averse from all counsels which aimed at putting an end to the war, without delivering him the whole dominion of Spain; nay, the Elector of Hanover himself, although presumptive heir to the crown of England, and obliged by all sorts of ties to cultivate Her Majesty's friendship, was so far deceived by misrepresentations from hence, that he seemed to suffer Monsieur Bothmar, his envoy here, to print and publish a Memorial in English, directly disapproving all Her Majesty's proceedings; which Memorial, as appeareth by the style and manner of it, was all drawn up, or at least digested, by some party pen on this side of the water.

Secret policy of the government Berghen and Montigny in Spain Debates at Segovia Correspondence of the Duchess with Philip Procrastination and dissimulation of the King Secret communication to the Pope Effect in the provinces of the King's letters to the government Secret instructions to the Duchess Desponding statements of Margaret Her misrepresentations concerning Orange, Egmont, and others Wrath and duplicity of Philip Egmont's exertions in Flanders Orange returns to Antwerp His tolerant spirit Agreement of 2d September Horn at Tournay Excavations in the Cathedral Almost universal attendance at the preaching Building of temples commenced Difficult position of Horn Preaching in the Clothiers' Hall Horn recalled Noircarmes at Tournay Friendly correspondence of Margaret with Orange, Egmont, Horn, and Hoogstraaten Her secret defamation of these persons.

The criticism of our opponents' platform or principles. Their fallacies, mistakes, and misrepresentations. Their history. How they have carried out all their bad and dangerous doctrines, but have slurred over and allowed to drop out of sight their promises of good. The contrast. Gossip, scandal, slander are abominable, and seldom well received by any audience. We are masters of the field.

His constituents had large capitals engaged in the trade, and, if it were to be wholly done away, they would suffer from not knowing where to employ them: they both joined in asserting, that Mr. Wilberforce had made so many misrepresentations in all the branches of this subject, that no reliance whatever was to be placed on the picture, which he had chosen to exhibit.

If I had as many arms as Briareus they would be too few to correct the misrepresentations of speeches I have made in the past six months." It was on the 3d of October, 1844, that Robert Toombs spoke at a memorable political meeting in Augusta, Ga.