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Next Saturday there will be a repetition, for which I shall get up again. With Frau Milde you would be pleased; her singing and acting are full of magnetism. Caspari also gave some passages beautifully, and Milde is always noble and artistically efficient, although he does not quite possess the great volume of voice required for Telramund.

Milde stared at him, stared at the Attorney, and burst into a surprised laugh. "Listen to that, Grande! He asks why we need another head like Paulsberg's in this country!" "I do," said Irgens. But Grande did not laugh either, and Milde was unable to understand why his words failed to provoke mirth. He decided to pass it off; he began to speak about other things.

Sir Kay here shows his usual cross-grainedness; and Guinevere "with milde mood" requests to know "What the devil is thee within?" The adventure is of a class well known in romance. You ride to a certain fountain, pour water from it on a stone, and then, after divers marvels, have to do battle with a redoubtable knight.

So help me, there ought to be public men appointed for the sole purpose of shouting obscenity on the streets just to make young girls acquainted with certain things while there was still time. What, do you object, Tidemand? No, Tidemand did not object, and Ole Henriksen did not object. The idea was original, to say the least. Ha, ha! Milde got Tidemand over in a corner.

Liberia never came, anyway. "He sulks," said Milde, and drank with Norem, the Actor. "He did not want to come because Norem was invited." Nobody felt the least constraint; they chatted about everything, drank, and made plenty of noise. It was a splendid place, Milde's studio; as soon as one got inside the door one felt free to do or say anything one's inclination prompted. Mrs.

Never for an instant did he regret that he had given such unlimited orders. Journalist Gregersen offered Ole one finger and said: "You have something on your conscience, Ole?" "Oh, nothing sensational, exactly," said Ole. "I had a letter from Ojen; he sends me his latest poem. Do you want to hear it?" "Does he send you his Has he sent you a manuscript?" exclaimed Milde in astonishment.

Hanka and said in a low voice: "You understand? Milde knows he has nothing to fear from his competitor any more hence his change of attitude." And Irgens pressed his lips together and smiled venomously. Mrs. Hanka glanced at him. How he persisted in his bitterness; how unbecoming it was in him!

And when He said for the last time: "Have you chosen?" I remembered Beauty and Love and remembered them both, and I answered Jehovah: "I choose Truth!" But I still remember.... "Well, that's all," concluded Norem. Everybody was silent for a moment; then the Journalist said: "I refrain from expressing an opinion; I notice Milde is going to say something."

That such a man could descend to such coarse work! It was said that the fellow was capable of greater things; he would surely blossom forth some day; all right, time enough then. Irgens did not care for him very much nowadays. Unwillingly, he walked over to the Journalist's table. Milde was there, also the Attorney and Coldevin, the grey tutor from the country. They were waiting for Paulsberg.

Didn't we have Paulsberg and Irgens, and Ojen and Milde, and the two close-cropped poets, and an entire army of first-class, sprouting talents besides! The Journalist himself laughed and wiped his forehead and laughed again. It was generally believed that this fellow was possessed of a literary talent which had not entirely stagnated in his newspaper.