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"What do those boys and girls know about religion, and the work of the spirit, and " "One thing is sure, Elder," interposed Mr. Middler with more courage than was usual with him, "One thing is sure: if our children have no proper appreciation of such things, it is certainly our fault. We older ones have been remiss in our duty." This seemed to take the Elder aback.

And Janice knew the young man could ill afford this. He had been of inestimable help to Mr. Middler and the other men who had charge of the campaign for prohibition that was moving on so grandly in Polktown. But that work could not be paid for. Janice believed Nelson was now nearly penniless. His situation troubled her mind almost as much as that of her father in Mexico.

We Seniors who wear the philosopher's cap and gown must bear in mind that it would ill become the clown or jester. We listen to the music which rolls down the ages; but the tinkle of the bells won the ears of the Middlers. It is ever so. The world cannot be all of the higher ideal element. They cannot all be Seniors." She paused to touch the colors of the Middler class green and white.

Her father laughed, "Impossible! The girls at Exeter will teach you more in one term than I can in a year. I do not expect you to be a Senior. I shall be more than satisfied with your entering as a 'Middler. You'll need plenty of time for extras." "Extras? What extras must I take?" "Chafing-dish cooking and fudge making," replied Miss Hale, promptly.

Nor was a circulating library so much needed in Polktown as a reading and recreation room for the youth of the village. Aside from her brief talk with Mr. Middler, Janice Day advised with no adult at first as to how the establishment of the needed institution should be brought about.

Massey and them others has got to save their own hides, ain't they?" demanded the suspicious Marty. "Wal. 'Tain't common sense that any of the School Committee should have stolen the coins," Uncle Jason said slowly. "Mr. Massey, and Cross Moore, and Mr. Middler " "Mr. Middler warn't there," said Marty, quickly. "He'd gone to Middletown." "Joe Pellet and Crawford there?" asked Uncle Jason.

"I can see just how things are going, Brother Middler I can see plainly," old Elder Concannon declared. "Just as soon as they told me that Day girl was a member of the society I knew what would happen. A new carpet for the aisle and the pulpit chairs upholstered! Ha! And them girls and boys themselves cleaning windows and sweeping and dusting the whole church once a month. Ridiculous!

Over in France when the officers of Sergeant York's regiment were trying to obtain all the facts of his wonderful exploit, they asked him what he did with the German officers he had captured when he started to bring in his line of prisoners. His reply was a simile from his boyhood in the mountains: "I jes made a middler out of myself."

But but God does just seem more human and close to me if I think of Him as very busy yet thoughtful and kind for us all. Just just like my Daddy, only on a bigger scale, Mr. Middler." The minister looked at her gravely for a moment and then took her hand again. "Suppose you show me that place of comfort?" he suggested, quietly. They went on together through the pasture and up into the wood lot.

"We'll have no larks like that, Master Marty," she declared. Mrs. Scattergood and 'Rill were among the first to arrive; and then came Mrs. Middler, the minister's wife. Mrs. Beasely was there, and Walky Dexter's wife, and the druggist's sister, who kept house for him; and Mrs. Poole, the doctor's wife; and Mrs.