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Behind him the other figures dashed panting up to the landing. Tucu's voice rasped in swift commands. The fugitives swarmed into other dugouts. The Mayoruna men, still ignorant of the identity of these people, but assured by Tucu's voice and manner that they were not enemies, lowered their weapons and rushed for the water.

You have brought back Mayoruna women from the Red Bone country, so you know the Red Bones are women stealers. And they steal for Schwandorf. You may believe me or not, señores, but I did not know this until the German told me. Oh yes, I knew he dealt in women, but of the Red Bone part of his business I was ignorant.

The animal uproar of early night began to diminish. The fire, almost buried under slow-burning wood whose acrid smoke alleviated the insect pests, smoldered dull red. McKay and Knowlton drew lots for the first sleep, the captain winning and promptly getting under his net. In the Mayoruna shelter all was dark and silent, each man sleeping lightly with one hand on a weapon.

The women not engaged in caring for the fighting visitors soon found themselves busy with their own male relatives, who came stumbling in by themselves or were carried by others. The Red Bones, though finally annihilated, had made their mark in the Mayoruna tribe.

They dwelt steadily on McKay, then strayed past the captain to Pedro, Lourenço, and the first Mayoruna crew following a few feet behind. His face was inscrutable, and he spoke no word. "You're with friends. Understand? Friends. You're going home. These Indians are friends, too. Get that? Friends!"

"El Aleman the German he told you we would go among the cannibals? We? Peruvians? Madre de Dios! If ever I get within knife length of him! Nunes, you see, do you not?" The coronel nodded grimly. "I see that he planned to have all of you destroyed. Senhor Knowlton, that black-bearded and black-hearted man suggested that you take Mayoruna women?

"Because then we could have brought company with us. Senhores, guess what the barred house holds." "Well?" "Women of the Mayorunas! Girls stolen from Monitaya and other settlements!" "Jumping Judas!" ejaculated Knowlton. "Are you sure?" "Sure, comrades! These foul Red Bones are the men who have been lurking around the Mayoruna tribe houses and capturing girls who went into the bush.

I would then go in with a bodyguard of Mayorunas, do my business, and come out via the Mayoruna route." A thoughtful silence ensued. Bottle necks clinked against the cups. "Something in that idea," conceded Knowlton. "A good deal in it. Barring the woman part, of course." "Ay," spoke McKay, his tone casual as ever. "When you came out what would you do with your woman, mein Herr?"

They knew well that by their rescue of the Mayoruna women they had made their own position among these people virtually impregnable, and that their recognition of José as a friend probably would be his only bulwark. Wherefore they left no doubt in the minds of the watchers as to where he stood in their regard.

You fellows are taking all the risks! Can't you take more men " "No. No man but Tucu. He has a cool head. These others, if they knew, would go blood-mad and attack the Red Bones to avenge their lost women, and so would get us all killed. Now I will talk with Tucu." He slipped into the Mayoruna shelter and returned with the cannibal leader, whom he led to the far side of the tambo before speaking.