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"Now if I sought to enter the Red Bone region and again I say I would not this would be my way of going at it. I would go first among the Mayorunas near the Red Bones and seek to convince them that I was their friend. I would make the Mayoruna chief as friendly to me as possible.

"Now the Peccaries before this had stolen some women from a Mayoruna maloca and were treating them like dogs I saw one of those women brutally murdered while I was captive in the outlaw camp. I managed to tell the two hunters I could lead them to the Peccary stronghold and give them revenge. They carried me to their maloca I could not walk and told their chief what I had said.

Checks up all right with what we've heard about the Mayorunas and so on. And that scheme of working in through the Mayoruna country sounds about as sensible as anything. Desperate chance and all that, but it might work. Say, why did you kick me when I was going to tell him you'd been in British Guiana?" "Don't know exactly. Had a hunch.

In that case, though we are few, there lies behind us the power of Monitaya, and behind Monitaya the power of the Mayoruna chiefs, all strong enough to wipe the Red Bone nation off the face of the ground." "Strong stuff, that," said Knowlton. "Strong, yes. But no stronger than is needed to impress these people.

If any trouble comes it will be from the other fellows. We'll leave here to-morrow morning." Lourenço translated the promise into Mayoruna. But the chief seemed not to hear. His eyes had narrowed and were fixed on the face of Tim, who still lay on his back and was giving no attention to what went on. Following his look, the bushman gazed critically at the red-haired man.

On the morrow, the 7th of June, the jangada breasted the banks of the village of Pucalppa, named also New Oran. Old Oran, situated fifteen leagues down stream on the same left bank of the river, is almost abandoned for the new settlement, whose population consists of Indians belonging to the Mayoruna and Orejone tribes.

Looking around the wide room and remembering the big half circle of Indians who had stood outside, the two ex-officers estimated that in this tribal house and its twin dwelt seven hundred people. Tim and Pedro, less interested in the Mayoruna domestic economy than in the Mayorunas themselves, were scanning the figures moving about in the reddish haze of smoke.

I might even take a Mayoruna woman for a time some of them are handsome, and such a step would make me almost a Mayoruna myself in their eyes. Then I would persuade the chief to send messengers to the Red Bones with word of me and a request that I be allowed to visit their settlement. The request, coming from the Mayoruna chief, probably would be granted.

But this is the jungle, and all is different. 'Cada terra com seu uso, as these Brazilians say each land with its own ways. Perhaps when you have met the Mayoruna women, looked on their handsome faces and shapely forms they wear no clothing, by the way you will change your ideas. More than one man along this border has risked his life to win one of those women. But that rests with you.

I fell into one of those holes when I first came into this Mayoruna country, so I know just how they are made." "So? How did you get out?" "There were two of us, and I stood on the other man's shoulders while he lifted me high enough to jump out. Then I tied bush rope to a tree and he climbed up the rope. Come. Yuara waits."