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Schiller in his poetry gave utterance in his own individual manner, however to whatever his German nature had implanted in him, to the harmony which rang out to him from the depths of the language, the mysterious effect of which he so cleverly perceived and knew how to use so masterfully. *

Townsend, and wish you lots of good luck, but please don't start any more bowlders down the hill, because if you do I shall be robbed of my most enjoyable trip each day. Good-by." "Don't be afraid," he called to her, as she started away. "There are no more bowlders to roll." He stood and watched her as she rode, masterfully seated on the black horse, around a crag that stuck out into the trail.

Having to face alone his own fields, he felt the inferiority of man who passes away before the clod that remains. Must he give up the hope of having by his side a son who would look at the turned-up sods with a master's eye? A man that would think as he thought, that would feel as he felt; a man who would be part of himself, and yet remain to trample masterfully on that earth when he was gone?

"You had better let us carry you," Grace heard one of the men say in gruff kindness. "Nonsense!" was the hearty reply. "I have not retreated thus far so masterfully only to give my aunt the hysterics at last." "Alford," said his aunt, sternly, "if it's wise for you to be carried, be carried. Any man here is as liable to hysterics as I am."

"A man must be responsible to himself," said Bonbright, fumbling to express what was troubling his soul. "There are bigger things than family..." His father had advanced to the desk. Now he interrupted by bringing his hand down upon it masterfully. "For you there is no bigger thing than family. You have a strange idea. Where did you get it? Is this sort of thing being taught in college to-day?

Drumtochty admitted that this showed a woman of vigour although our conventions did not allow us to treat Clockie or any known wastrel so masterfully and there was an evident anxiety to hear more.

If that young man whose inner life is passion-swept, one tidal wave of fierce temptation, hot on the heels of the last, until all the moorings are snapped, and he driven rudderless out to sea if he is to ride masterfully upon that sea he must have power.

And further, he masterfully appropriated Maggie's ticket for the Free Library, pending the preliminaries to the possession of a ticket of his own, to procure a volume on architecture. From timidity, from a singular false shame, he kept this volume in the attic, like a crime; nobody knew what the volume was. Evidence of a strange trait in his character; a trait perhaps not defensible!

Now," he commanded masterfully, "you come with me, and get in it, and leave all this" he gave an angry, contemptuous wave of the hand toward the cabinet "behind you, as," he added earnestly, "you promised me you would." As though closing from sight the possibility he suggested, the girl shut her eyes quickly, and then opened them again to meet his.

Pan once played upon their forefathers; and so, by the hands of his river, he still plays upon these later generations down all the valley of the Oise; and plays the same air, both sweet and shrill, to tell us of the beauty and the terror of the world. The canoe was like a leaf in the current. It took it up and shook it, and carried it masterfully away, like a Centaur carrying off a nymph.