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One-half of the enemy were destroyed; but Martinez succeeded the remainder in reaching his intended position. But the Mexican troops considered it useless to contend any more, and shortly afterwards the old general himself rode towards us with a flag, to ascertain the conditions under which we would accept his surrender. Poor man! He was truly an estimable officer.

The overtures made by General Grant were refused and the war dragged on, entailing great loss of life and treasure and increased injury to American interests, besides throwing enhanced burdens of neutrality upon this Government. In 1878 peace was brought about by the truce of Zanjon, obtained by negotiations between the Spanish commander, Martinez de Campos, and the insurgent leaders.

But as yet things were in a lull and it was during this pause, brief, critical, that Martinez expected her to act. That much she had grasped from his hurried words. She reached his office and halted to listen.

In one moment it was all over. Morris and Martinez rushed to the deck. "What's the matter, Pardon?" asked the former. "Nothin', cap'n cap'n, nothin'," answered the mate. "Only there aint quite so many greasers in the world at present, as there was five minutes since. Morena broke his parole, and tried to board us by surprise, and I gin' him my starboard battery that's all."

I shall have relieved Johnson of fear of financial constraint; and saved his daughter from a serious mistake. I shall have started Martinez on the road to success and I should not be surprised if he prospered, became the leading attorney in this county, was elected judge and so on.

"Your courts here, and the value of this old Mexican's deposition. The case could be brought in a Federal Court as you're a non-resident, which would solve the first point, but how much weight would this Mexican's testimony have against white men of standing and after a period of thirty years. If you could find another witness " "There was one, a white boy, so Martinez hinted," Weir said.

You see" she took us all into her confidence with a sweeping smile of innocent yet half-mischievous artfulness "I only know because I peeped over a letter he once got from his firm, telling him he must hustle up and be ready for the road the next day; but I think the name was Martinez yes, Ramon Martinez."

For some minutes this lasted, while she strained painfully for breath, and then she perceived the car was stopping. Her terror increased. What now would happen? These men after overpowering Felipe Martinez had abducted her in their determination to possess themselves of the paper. Finding it in her hand for she still clutched it what then? Would they kill her? The car was now completely at rest.

Men committed deeds in those early days that they would now like to forget. He, Martinez, would look into the matter. Sorenson passed out of sight, and Weir likewise proceeded on his way. Thereupon the lawyer sauntered over to the court house, where presently he became engrossed in a pile of tomes in the register's office.

"What's the use," he said. "That is my pistol; I know it; there's no doubt about it." "Ah!" exclaimed Hauteville. "It is also the pistol that killed Martinez. It was thrown from private room Number Seven at the Ansonia. A woman saw it thrown, and it was picked up in a neighboring courtyard. One ball was missing, and that ball was found in the body."