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There was a tall palm in Number Seven that stood just before the holes and screened them." Coquenil looked at her curiously. "How do you know there was?" "Martinez told me. He had taken the precaution to look in there on Friday when he engaged Number Six. He knew exactly where to bore the holes." "I see. And he put them behind the curtain hangings so that your waiter wouldn't see them?"

The new visitors, striking matches at the entrance, walked inside. The men were Vorse and Burkhardt. "If you had been here, we could have nailed him at once as soon as I had Saurez' story," the former said. "Martinez had half an hour and more to get the thing into somebody else's hands." "Well, I was looking after those men up in the hills," was the growled answer.

Janet had admitted such to be the case. "It was odd Mr. Martinez should telephone me to go get it, wasn't it?" she had asked. "But I went, and there it was stuffed in the lining of the chair." "You have it then?" Sorenson stated, with a sigh of relief and his eyes kindling with eagerness. "No, I haven't it now." "What in heaven's name did you do with it?" he asked. "As I was coming out of Mr.

And then, turning to him with tear-stained face, she asked for a moment to collect herself. "I want to say this," she went on, "that I didn't tell you the truth about Kittredge and Martinez. There was trouble between them; he speaks about it in one of his letters. It was about the little girl at Notre-Dame!" "You mean Martinez was attentive to her?" "Yes." "Did she encourage him?" "I don't know.

In 1391, one of these worthy soul-catchers, Bishop Ferdinando Martinez, set the fanatical mob of Seville on the Jews, and not without success. Terrorized by the threat of death, many accepted Catholicism under duress.

The answer came unexpectedly. Just as the 'Bostonnais' were sailing out for a last run up the coast, there glided into Nootka Sound a proud ship all sails set, twenty cannon pointed, Spanish colours spread to the breeze. The captain of this vessel, Don Joseph Martinez, took a look at the English fortifications and another at the Americans. The Americans were enemies of England.

After having long wandered with the Caribs, the desire of rejoining the Whites led him by the Rio Essequibo to the island of Trinidad. He made several excursions to Santa Fe de Bogota, and at length settled at Carora. Raleigh makes his Juan Martinez embark below Morequito, a village at the east of that confluence of the Carony with the Orinoco.

"Martinez knew the truth," he went on, "Martinez held your secret. How had Martinez come upon it? Who was Martinez? A billiard player, a shallow fellow, vain of his conquests over silly women. The last man in Paris, one would say, to interfere with your high purposes or penetrate the barriers of wealth and power that surrounded you." "You you flatter me!

Paraguay is the country of the yerba-mate, universally drunk there, supplanting tea, coffee, cocoa and coca. Like coca it has very stimulating qualities. El Dorado, the much-sought-for and fabulous, was vouched for by Juan Martinez, the chief of liars, who located it somewhere up the Orinoco River. The Spaniards, and also the Portuguese, were wonderful colonizers and administrators.

Her true name is Mary. She was in the fire with her mother and was rescued by Martinez, but the shock of seeing her mother burned to death and, perhaps, the shock of seeing you refuse to save her mother " "It's a lie!" yelled the prisoner. "All this terror and anguish caused a violent mental disturbance in the girl and resulted in a failure of her memory.