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Nina, indeed, had declared positively that they were in the Ross Markt, saying that Ziska had so stated in direct terms; but there might be a mistake in this. At any rate he would interrogate Nina, and if there were need, would not spare the old man any questions that could lead to the truth.

A creature whom the Lord has markt in this wise, is knowable enough; and let everybody in whom all human feeling is not yet quencht, get out of his way." Beresynth, who had caught the last words, came up to them with divers ungainly jumps. "My very reverend sir," he exclaimed, "do you then yourself happen to be of such mightily exquisite beauty, that you have a right to judge thus intolerantly?

In the Ross Markt was the house of business of Karil Zamenoy, and there, as Nina well knew, were kept the documents which she was so anxious to obtain. But the demand at this moment was made simply with the object of vexing Ziska, and urging him on to further anger. "Unless you will give up Anton Trendellsohn, you had better not come to the Ross Markt." "I will never give him up." "We will see.

And I have supposed always that they must be in the Ross Markt. Where else can they be?" "Your aunt says that you have got them." "That I have got them?" "Yes, you. That is what she intends me to understand." The Jew had stopped at one of the corners, close under the little lamp, and looked intently into Nina's face as he spoke to her. "And you believe her?" said Nina.

You know, Lieber Herr, said Vater Böhm, there is nothing in the whole Kaiserstadt so astonishing to strangers as our signboards. Those beautiful paintings that you seeAm Graben and Hohe Markt,—real works of art, with which the sign-boards of other countries are no more to be compared, than your hum-drum English music is to the delicious waltzes of Lanner, or the magic polkas of Strauss.

"Never heard of him." "He was a noted theologian and classical scholar, who made his mark in the polemical discussions of Germany and Switzerland in the time of the Reformation. This is the Groote Markt, or market-place, of Rotterdam," added Dr. Winstock, when they had crossed the bridge.

What is it that you have to say to me?" "It is this. When you came to us the other day in the Ross Markt, we were hardly prepared for you. We did not expect you." "Your mother could hardly have received me better had she expected me for a twelvemonth." "You cannot be surprised that my mother should be vexed. Besides, you would not be angry with a lady for what she might say."

Here this lame man, a cobbler by trade, plying his quiet calling in a house in the Neuer Markt, where the lime-trees grow close to the upper windows, had patiently kept watch for three days. He was, like many lame men, of an abnormal width and weight. He had a large, square, dogged face, which seemed to promise that he would wait there till the crack of doom rather than abandon a quest.

You many years since bade adieu to every sort of merriment and amusement: everything that charms youth, music, dancing, even society, plays, travelling, the literature of the day, you have given up for my sake; because you resolved, as I well markt, and that too very early, to suit yourself entirely to my inclinations.

But the turnpike-keeper had a piece of luck: outside the station he met a gunner, who readily told him the address "11 Markt Strasse, up two flights of stairs" and showed him the way to go. The two flights of stairs tried the old man sorely. He had to wait on the first landing in order to get his breath. "Have I grown old all of a sudden?" he asked himself in surprise.