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"Man-Pack and Wolf-Pack have cast me out," said Mowgli. "Now I will hunt alone in the jungle." "And we will hunt with thee," said the four cubs. So Mowgli went away and hunted with the four cubs in the jungle from that day on. But he was not always alone, because, years afterward, he became a man and married. But that is a story for grown-ups. Mowgli's Song

"Ho!" said Mowgli, sitting down noiselessly, after sending back a deep wolf-growl that silenced the curs. "What comes will come. Mowgli, what hast thou to do any more with the lairs of the Man-Pack?" He rubbed his mouth, remembering where a stone had struck it years ago when the other Man-Pack had cast him out. The door of the hut opened, and a woman stood peering out into the darkness.

Who can answer for the Silent One? But why? What is there Hathi can do which we cannot?" "Bid him and his three sons come here to me." "But, indeed, and truly, Little Brother, it is not it is not seemly to say 'Come, and 'Go, to Hathi. Remember, he is the Master of the Jungle, and before the Man-Pack changed the look on thy face, he taught thee the Master-words of the Jungle." "That is all one.

"Oho!" said he, "this is like the stuff they play with in the Man-Pack: only this is yellow and the other was brown." He let the gold pieces fall, and move forward. The floor of the vault was buried some five or six feet deep in coined gold and silver that had burst from the sacks it had been originally stored in, and, in the long years, the metal had packed and settled as sand packs at low tide.

They made even ME forget my pride, and, by the Broken Lock that freed me, I went singing through the Jungle as though I were out wooing in the spring! Didst thou not hear us?" "I had other game afoot. Ask Buldeo if he liked the song. But where are the Four? I do not wish one of the Man-Pack to leave the gates to-night."

"I salute a gallant soldier, a gallant sailor, and my friend Monsieur Moon-calf!" he said, and stood, the water to his ankles, and hilt to his lips. On the ridge the man-pack was at the worry. Suddenly a face gleamed up through the thick of them. "Sir!" screamed a voice. The Parson started round. "Knapp!" he cried, with sickening face. "Put back!" A hand was on his shoulder. It was Kit.

"I will look," said he, "as I did in the old days, and I will see how far the Man-Pack has changed." Forgetting that he was no longer in his own Jungle, where he could do what he pleased, he trod carelessly through the dew-loaded grasses till he came to the hut where the light stood. Three or four yelping dogs gave tongue, for he was on the outskirts of a village.

"That is well," said Mowgli. "And thy Man-Pack in the village did not stir till the sun was high this morning. Then they ate their food and ran back quickly to their houses." "Did they, by chance, see thee?" "It may have been. I was rolling in the dust before the gate at dawn, and I may have made also some small song to myself. Now, Little Brother, there is nothing more to do.

"I say ye do," said Mowgli, shooting out his forefinger angrily. "Ye DO run away, and I, who am the Master of the Jungle, must needs walk alone. How was it last season, when I would gather sugar-cane from the fields of a Man-Pack? I sent a runner I sent thee! to Hathi, bidding him to come upon such a night and pluck the sweet grass for me with his trunk."

Oh, mother, mother! if thou hadst seen the black herd-bulls pour down the ravine, or hurry through the gates when the Man-Pack flung stones at me!" "I am glad I did not see that last," said Mother Wolf stiffly. "It is not MY custom to suffer my cubs to be driven to and fro like jackals. I would have taken a price from the Man-Pack; but I would have spared the woman who gave thee the milk.