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When you and Gabriel have half a dozen children, and your girls grow up to be married, you'll understand all about it. I suppose you know about Mellish Whitloe and Laura Magot, don't you, dear?" May shook her head negatively. "Well, they are people who were wise early.

Dinks, one of the pleasantest I remember was this last winter, under the auspices of your wife. Let me see, there were Mr. Moultrie there, Mr. Whitloe and Miss Magot, Mr. Bowdoin Beacon and Miss Amy Waring and who else? Oh! I beg pardon, your son Alfred and my sister Fanny." As he spoke the young gentleman filled a glass of wine, and looked over the rim at Mr. Dinks as he drained it.

"He said, if the King willed it, he was content to go out of England for a time, not for ever: but a traitor he would never confess himself, for he had never been one." "The words of a true man!" said Marjory. Then O Aunt Marjory, it is too long a tale to tell! and I want that pedlar. "Well, that does not sound bad, Magot." "Oh no! Words are very nice things, Aunt Marjory.

"Fare thee well, my jewel," said Earl Hubert, kissing the brow of the Countess. "Poor little Magot! farewell, too." "Sir Hubert, my Lord, forgive me! I meant no ill." "Forgive thee?" said the Earl, with a smile, and again kissing his wife's brow. "I could not do otherwise, my Margaret. Now, Sir Piers, we are your prisoners." "These little amenities being disposed of," sneered Sir Piers.

"Sufficiently so, I hope, to know the difference between Greeks and Romans. But, however, for the last three years. Tell me all about them." "Am I to begin with the Flood, like a professional chronicler?" "Well, no. I think the Conquest would be soon enough." "Delicious Aunt Marjory! How many weary centuries you excuse me!" "How many, Magot?" "Oh, please don't! How can I possibly tell?

Thou art too short to be told state secrets." "I shall be as tall as you some day, Lady," responded Margaret archly. "And then," said Marjory, stroking the girl's hair, "thou wilt wish thyself back again, little Magot." "Nay! under your good leave, fair Aunt, never!" "Ah, we know better, don't we, Madge?" asked the Countess, laughing. "Well, I will leave you two maidens together.

Mr. Whitloe, Laura Magot, and I were just talking about Batrachian reptiles. Which are the best toads, the fattest?" "Or does it depend upon the dressing?" asked Mr. Whitloe. "Or the quantity of jewelry in the head?" said Laura Magot. Mr. Wilkottle smiled, bowed, and passed on. If they had called him an ass as they were ladies of the best position he would have bowed, smiled, and passed on.

Father Nicholas saith that the old Romans or Greeks, I don't know which used to say the man was happy who had no history. I am sure we should have been happier, lately, if we had not had any." "`Don't know which! What a heedless Magot!" "Why, fair Aunt, surely you don't expect people to recollect lessons. Did you ever remember yours?" Marjory laughed.

All have cheek pouches, and though some have long tails, in others the tail is short, or reduced to a mere stump. In some few this stump is so very short that there appears to be no tail, as in the magot of North Africa and Gibraltar, and in an allied species that inhabits Japan.

"Thine eyes and half thy tongue are in the pedlar's pack, Magot. I cannot tell thee. But just let me know how it ended, and thy fair father was set free." "Oh, it did not end for ever so long!