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Merton strove to be as much interested as possible in Mr. Macrae's stories of his fleet American trotters. But his heart was otherwhere. 'They will soon be an extinct species, said Mr. Macrae. 'The motor has come to stay. Merton was not feeling very well, he was afraid of a cigarette, Mr.

The house itself was solid, homely, built for use, and built to endure, all stone and heavy beams, wide windows and deep porches, and a red tile roof lifting above the gray stone walls. Stubby permitted MacRae a few minutes' exchange of pleasantries with his mother and sister. "I want to extract some useful information from this man," Stubby said at length. "You can have at him later, Nell.

That cottage amid its green grounds bright in a patch of sunshine did not help to soften him. It stood on land reclaimed from the forest by his father's labor. It should have belonged to him, and it had passed into hands that already grasped too much. For thirty years Gower had made silent war on Donald MacRae because of a woman.

There is not a more quarrelsome dress than a tartan kilt and I'm thinking the Brodies were ill friends with the Macraes in the old days." "The Brodies are not Highlanders." "You are a shamefully ignorant man, Ian Macrae. The Brodies came from Moray, and are the only true lineal descendants of Malcolm Thane of Brodie in the reign of Alexander the Third, lawful King of Scotland.

Brenda Macrae from Pettybaw House was Fairly Fair; Jamie, Sir Patrick Spens; Ralph, King Alexander of Dunfermline; Mr. Anstruther, Bonnie Glenlogie, 'the flower o' them a'; Mr. Macdonald and Miss Dalziel, Young Hynde Horn and the king's daughter Jean respectively. "Oh, it's Hynde Horn fair, and it's Hynde Horn free; Oh, where were you born, and in what countrie?"

This time the orderly passed us in without delay, and once more we faced the man of rank, who, after taking our measure with a deliberate stare, ordered MacRae to state his business.

There was a storm brewing, a wicked one, reckoned by the headlong drop of the aneroid. MacRae had a hundred or so salmon aboard for all his Squitty round, and he had yet to pick up those on the boats in the Cove.

He was afraid to dig too deep. He had got a glimpse of depths and eddies that night which if they did not wholly frighten him, at least served to confuse him. They were like flint and steel, himself and Betty Gower. They could not come together without striking sparks. And a man may long to warm himself by fire, MacRae reflected gloomily, but he shrinks from being burned. An Interlude

"This grows interesting." Stubby straightened in his chair. "I thought you were going to ranch it! Lord, I remember the night we sat watching for the bombers to come back from a raid and you first told me about that place of yours on Squitty Island. Seems ages ago yet it isn't long. As I remember, you were planning all sorts of things you and your father would do." "I can't," MacRae said grimly.

The more you pay a fisherman, the more he wants. We must keep prices down. That is to your interest, too." "No," MacRae disagreed. "I think it is to my interest to pay the fishermen top prices, so long as I make a profit on the deal. I don't want the earth only a moderate share of it." "Twenty per cent. on Folly Bay prices is too uncertain a basis." Robbin-Steele changed his tactics.