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An ingenious Frenchman named Lumiere, came forward with his Cinematographe which for a few years gave good satisfaction, producing very creditable results. Success, however, was due more to the picture ribbons than to the mechanism employed to feed them.

Therein lies the entire question, and for our part we hesitate to pronounce ourselves in the negative. La Lumiere Electrique. M. Dochy. We reproduce the picture of Mr. Andre Brouillet, which was in the Salon of 1887; and that the subject may be better understood, we give the accompanying sketch and description.

Nothing can be more desirable than that the societies of electricians of all countries shall continue the study of these questions with the desire of coming to a common understanding through a mutual sacrifice of certain preferences and habitudes. E. Dieudonne, in La Lumiere Electrique. By F. VANDERPOEL, of Newark, New Jersey.

My wife, who liked you so cordially, implored me to look after you during her absence from Paris, and, enfin, mon pauvre garcon, it would grieve me very much if, when she comes back, I had to say to her, 'Gustave Rameau has thrown away the chance of redemption and of happiness which you deemed was secure to him. A l'oeil malade, la lumiere nuit." So saying, he held out his hand kindly.

Paris is no longer "la ville lumiere" it is a sad and gloomy city, where men and women go about with solemn, anxious faces, and every conversation seems to begin and end with the dreadful word "War!" There is no more rioting in the streets.

It is to be hoped that these experiments, which can be easily repeated by means of the apparatus described above, will be repeated and discussed by electricians, and that they will contribute toward making known to us the nature of the mysterious agent that will give its name to our era. G. Mareschal, in La Lumiere Electrique.

Les charognes mesme deterrees, les restes des Renards et des Chiens ne faisoient point horreur, et se mangeoient, quoy qu'en cachete: car quoy que les Hurons, auant que la foy leur eust donne plus de lumiere qu'ils n'en auoient dans l'infidelite, ne creussent pas commettre aucun peche de manger leurs ennemis, aussi peu qu'il y en a de les tuer, toutefois ie puis dire auec verite, qu'ils n'ont pas moins d'horreur de manger de leurs compatriotes, qu'on peut auoir en France de manger de la chair humaine.

"The admirers she has encouraged and disappointed. Yes, she is adorable, wofully thin, and, I fear, consumptive, but royal: and adorable, 'douceur et lumiere, as Bossuet calls her. But to return to my ghost-party." "If you were wise, you would abandon the notion. I doubt that in spite of your powders your friends will never believe in a ghost." "Oh yes, they will.

"Quand vos yeux, en naissant, s'ouvraient a la lumiere, Chacun vous souriait, mon fils, et vous pleuriez. Vivez si bien, qu'un jour, a votre derniere heure, Chacun verse des pleurs, et qu'on vous voie sourire." "You have fulfilled your father's wish," said the king. "You have so lived, that you can smile when all others are weeping for you, and no man who has loved can forget you.

A French writer's words seem to meet its description better than my own: "Non pas rouges Mais blonde avec des reflets dorés, on delicatement se jouait la lumière du soleil." In distinction to the lady named before, the present one was short, of fairly full figure, and not above the average grace. You might even say that the large head was carried a little too far forward for elegance.