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And so every day he went to her house, and took a pleasure in saying to her all the pretty things he would have said to Rosalind; and she had the fine and secret joy of knowing that all his love-words came to the right ears. Thus many days passed pleasantly away.

She was going to the Elliot Academy, wearing the blue blouse and the lace collar, and looking so lovely that Wollaston Lee worshipped her. She invented little love-scenes, love-words, and caresses. She blushed, and dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth, the blue light of her eyes under her downcast lids was like the light of living gems.

Did you slay Nicol, as your father slew Bele Trenby, by water? or did you poison him with drugs? or is your hand red with his life-blood? And now, before the fish have had time to pick his bones, you are wooing his wife." "Will you let Nanna alone? She is ill." "Ill? Babble! Look at her rosy cheeks! She has been listening to your love-words. Who sent you to the Sea Rover?

She touched him with her finger-tips, she kissed his throat, his wrists, the palms of his hands, his eyelids, his hair. Strange, subtle kisses, unlike the kisses of women. And often, between her purrings, she murmured love-words in some strange fierce language of her own, brushing his ears and his eyes with her lips the while.

Again he tasted, and again the little man led on from cask to cask. Then, mad with delight, the peasant sang aloud, but the song broke into wild howling; he danced about the tuns, then fell to embracing them, stroking and kissing them, babbling love-words to the dusky fragrant wine.

But his mahout was easing him with low chants made of a thousand love-words. They're not bad to think by. I was clear away off in an adjustment of old Hindu and British law you know we have to use both together; and sometimes they're hard to fit. "I know no more about how it happened than you do. I was knocked well up out of my abstraction by a most unmerciful jolt.

The sun was sinking behind us. He stood there very straightly, peering through my glasses and then forgot all about me and began speaking to his son in childish love-words. "Gone West," they call dying out here we rarely say that a man is dead. I found out afterwards that it was the boy's mother the Major was thinking of when he pledged himself to visit the grave in the front-line.

Then he saw the sudden droop of her whole body and the light die out of her eyes, and in a voice of anguish he implored her: "Darling, darling! Won't you listen to what I say to you? Won't you answer me, and come with me?" "No, Hector," she said, and her voice was so low he had to bend closer to hear. He clasped her to his side, he covered her face with kisses, murmuring the tenderest love-words.

Beyond these, and the men employed in his arrest and guard, none knew what had chanced; not the soldiery beneath that vast sea of canvas, many of whom would have rushed headlong to mutiny and to destruction at his word; not the woman who in the solitude of her wakeful hours was haunted by the memory of his love-words, and felt steal on her the unacknowledged sense that, if his future were left to misery, happiness could never more touch her own; not the friend of his early days, laughing and drinking with the officers of the staff.

"It's all lies, no doubt; but it's sweet to listen to all the same." He looked at her in surprise. "Your love-words, I mean. They're all I've got to live for now. What you can't find heart to say, invent. You've no idea what good it does me." "Mavis!" he cried reproachfully.