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A proportionate share of abuse is, of course, bestowed on your nation. He says: A Londres on vit briller d'un eclat ephemere Le front tout radieux d'un ministre influent; Mais pour faire palir l'etoile d'Angleterre, Un SOLEIL tout nouveau parut au firmament, Et ce soleil du peuple franc Admire de l'Europe entiere Sur la terre est nomme BONAPARTE LE GRAND.

"Ce sont de bons diables dans ce pays-ci; mais tout est un po barbare." "Assez barbare," said I, as I saw that the exquisite's nails were in the deepest possible mourning. Exquisite. "Avez vous ete a Boukarest?" Author. "Non pas encore." Exquisite. "Ah je wous assire que Boukarest est maintenant comme Paris et Londres;" Author. "Avez-vous vu Paris et Londres?" Exquisite.

"But, this is growing tedious, Harry, I must get over the ground faster; two months passed over at Paris, during which we continued to live at the 'Londres, giving dinners, soirees, dejeuners, with the prettiest equipage in the 'Champs Elysees, we were quite the mode; my wife, which is rare enough for an Englishwoman, knew how to dress herself.

'And Do You Find, Sir, pursued Mr Podsnap, with dignity, 'Many Evidences that Strike You, of our British Constitution in the Streets Of The World's Metropolis, London, Londres, London? The foreign gentleman begged to be pardoned, but did not altogether understand. 'The Constitution, Sir. The foreign gentleman said, 'Mais, yees; I know eem.

The work was printed and published, under the title of Essai sur l'Etude de la Litterature, a Londres, chez T. Becket et P. A. de Hondt, 1761, in a small volume in duodecimo: my dedication to my father, a proper and pious address, was composed the twenty-eighth of May: Dr.

It was intended to reprint also the 'Courier de Londres', but our types, and particularly, our paper, would detect the fraud. I have read one of our own Journal de Frankfort, in which were extracts from this French paper, printed in your country, which I strongly suspect are of our own manufacture.

"After the usual routine of sea sickness, fatigue, and poisonous cookery, we reached Paris on the fifth day, and put up at the 'Hotel de Londres, Place Vendome.

'If there be a flask of Johannisberg in the "Londres," I'll drink your health this day, and so shall Mary; so saying, I entered the hotel with a lighter heart, and a firmer step than ever it had been my fortune to do hitherto. "'We shall miss the old lady, I'm sure, Mary, she is so kind. "'Oh! indeed she is; but then, John, she is such a prude.

He had sent away his carriage with orders for it to fetch him at two o'clock; fortunately the Palazzo Bracciano, which is on one side in the Corso, and on the other in the Square of the Holy Apostles, is hardly ten minutes' walk from the Hotel de Londres. As he came near the hotel, Franz saw a man in the middle of the street. He had no doubt that it was the messenger from Albert.

He drilled us for two years in speaking the English; he took us for six months to Londres that we might better learn. Day after day we took our lessons there always and always English. Cécile learned ver' well, monsieur; but I not so well, as you can see I was too old.