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I had frequent opportunities of seeing her, being on terms of the closest intimacy with one of her favoured admirers. Several years were now elapsed, and she had become acquainted with a number of gentlemen, many of whom had rendered themselves disgusting by the extreme levity and fickleness of their manners.

In the gospel account the final word was the injunction: "Jesus charged them that they tell no man." In all innocence I asked the somewhat leading question: "What did Jesus charge them?" Quick as a flash one of the boys answered, "He didn't charge them a cent." It was so pat and so unexpected that I could not protest at the levity.

He had waited for her on purpose at an inn on the road, where he found means to appease her displeasure, which he had, it seems, incurred, and to supersede her new lover, whom she quitted without ceremony; upon which the squire had returned to Tunbridge, cursing her levity, yet blessing his good stars for having so seasonably prevented his ruin, which would have infallibly been the consequence of his marrying such an adventurer.

In the case of friction between two solid bodies, this may go so far that particles of matter are completely detached from the cohesive whole. The result is an increase in the number of single mass-centres on the earth, as against the all-embracing cosmic periphery. This diminishes the hold of levity on the total amount of physical matter present on the earth.

"A close shave," remarked Frank; who himself had been rigid while they were thus taking such desperate chances; "but we made it, thank goodness! I hope that will be a lucky token of what the day has in store for us." "Amen!" echoed his chum; and there was no levity in his tones, either. The sun was just rising.

"If it really was Sir Edwin Crathie who brought you home, I must write and thank him, I think." "I shouldn't bother; probably it wasn't him at all; only some third-rate actor." Dudley tried to see her face, not sure if she was serious or not, but she kept her head averted as she added: "Quite possibly it was Lord Bounce." "You are always treating a serious subject with levity," he complained.

It is not easy to look a painful truth in the face; but we are forced to do so when we reluctantly confess that female frivolity is the source of that levity which prevails now-a-days, to such an extent as to affect the very laws and government of society.

For he had not only caused the fire by upsetting a lighted lamp, scorching his trousers and narrowly escaping death, as indeed he had now explained in detail about twenty times, but he had further thought at once of that amiable but helpless old lady next door, had shown the utmost decision in making his way to her over the yard wall of the Royal Fishbourne Hotel, and had rescued her with persistence and vigour in spite of the levity natural to her years.

Frequently, when gazing at a throng of sixty or perhaps one hundred dancers, we have been scarcely able to decide which was the most remarkable, the staid and imperturable gravity of the old men and women, or the complete absence of levity and frolicsomeness in the young.

"Here I am," and advancing from the parlor, where she had overheard the whole, Edith laughed a gay, musical laugh, as hollow and meaningless as Mrs. Atherton's forced levity.