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Yet, different as he was from her people of the mountains, as she recalled that face she could not hate him or distrust him. She had never in her life seen any one in knickerbockers and leggins before, and the memory of his amused her somewhat, yet she admitted to herself that they had seemed quite "peart" as she peered at them through the reeds.

And there have been more black beetles in Vendale since than ever were known before; all, of course, owing to Tom's having blacked the original papa of them all, just as he was setting off to be married, with a sky-blue coat and scarlet leggins, as smart as a gardener's dog with a polyanthus in his mouth. At last he got to the bottom.

The ordinary hunting shirt, fringed in front, inclosed his chest, and was gathered at the waist by a sash or belt into which were thrust his hunting knife and tomahawk. The usual breechcloth, leggins and moccasins completed his dress. He carried a fine rifle in his left hand, in a trailing position, while a powder horn and bullet pouch were supported by a string passing over his shoulder.

These young women, perhaps not squires or heralds of the tribe, but wives of one or more of the head men, were decorated with brass and beads and shining things, their hair covered with gauds, their black eyes shining too, though directed straight ahead. Their garb was of tanned leather, the tunics or dresses were of elk skin, and the white leggins of antelope hide or that of mountain sheep.

Children raced, shouting in the light, perpetuating unconsciously the fire-worship of Asia by leaping across outer edges of the blaze. It rose and showed the bowered homes of Kaskaskia, the tavern at an angle of the streets, with two Indians, in leggins and hunting-shirts, standing on the gallery as emotionless spectators.

"Who on earth, Tom, has filled your brain with such silly stories?" asked my father, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Aunt Chloe, sir; she told me." "And you really thought your grandfather wore a blanket embroidered with beads, and ornamented his leggins with the scalps of his enemies?" "Well, sir, I didn't think that exactly." "Didn't think that exactly? Tom, you will be the death of me."

Now go ahead, lad, and tell me what ye know, while I pull on my leggins." "Vell, dey be alive, as I have say. Mais dey not live long." Gibault said this with such a look of woebegone despair that Bounce paused in the midst of his dressing and said with much anxiety "Wot's wrong? why not, lad?" "'Cause dey vill be tortured to death demain, or de day apres de morrow.

'ee never seed sich a snappin', and snarlin', and jumpin', an' yowltin', as when I peppered them donicks down on 'em. He! he! he! Ho! ho! hoo!" And the smoky old sinner chuckled with delight at the remembrance of his adventure. "You reached Bent's then safe enough, I reckin?" "'Ee es. I skinned the critters wi' a sharp stone, an' made me a sort o' shirt an' leggins.

They had remained there about half an hour, when they perceived an Indian lad come out of one of the lodges. He was dressed in leggins and Indian shirt of deer skin, and carried in his hand his bow and arrows. An eagle's feather was stuck in his hair above the left ear, which marked him as the son of a chief. "That's my brother Percival," said John in a low tone.

Colter then perceived that he was to have the dreadful privilege of running for his life; he, entirely naked and unarmed, to be pursued by six hundred fleet-footed Indians with arrows and javelins, and with their feet and limbs protected from thorns and brambles by moccasins and deerskin leggins. "Save yourself if you can," said the chief in the Blackfoot language as he set him loose.