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Laura has actually only five hundred pounds of her own, and that, I need not say, leaves her as dependent on me as if she was a daughter." "Now look here," exclaimed Valentine, laying the letter down flat on the table, and holding it there with his hand "now look here, this is serious. You are going to bring that simpleton Laura to me, and you would like to leave her here, would you? Preposterous!

I think you should see that person at Newcome see him, and warn him," cried Laura, warming as she spoke, "and pray God to enlighten and strengthen him, and to keep him from this temptation, and implore him to leave this poor, weak, frightened, trembling creature; if he has the heart of a gentleman and the courage of a man, he will, I know he will."

Bannisdale had now no hostess. Mr. Helbeck kept the house as best he could. Was it not three weeks and more, now, that Laura had been at the farm? And only two visits to Bannisdale!

And, in the fickle world of Chicago, the offices on the top floor of the Athenian Building did not "take in" what they once had gathered. For this as well as other reasons Sommers was not surprised when his wife opened Miss Laura Lindsay's wedding cards one morning, and read out the name of the intended bridegroom, Mr. Samuel Thompson Dresser. "Shall we go?"

After a time, Laura came into the room on an errand, walking noiselessly, and, noticing that his eyes were open, apologized for waking him. "Never mind," he returned, in the tone of an invalid. "I didn't sleep sound. I think there's something the matter inside my head: I have such terrible dreams. I guess maybe it's better for me to keep awake. I'm kind of afraid to go to sleep.

To the Senator's credit be it said, he was willing to help Laura and her family in this dreadful trial. She, herself, was not without money, for the Washington lobbyist is not seldom more fortunate than the Washington claimant, and she was able to procure a good many luxuries to mitigate the severity of her prison life.

Pity being a form of tenderness, Laura supposed that she would intuitively hate the man who compelled her to do what she abhorred. They spent the greater portion of the night in this debate.

His knowledge is, therefore, profound!" and she laughed. "May I ask why you laugh at me?" "Oh!" said she, "don't you know that women in books and women out of books are no more the same than day and night, or summer and winter?" "And yet there are thousands of women who exist for us in books only, Laura, Beatrice, Trojan Helen, Aspasia, the glorious Phryne, and hosts of others," I demurred.

"She makes light of everything," Miss Filbert said, smiling toward Alicia, who stood silent, the prey of her impression. Discovering the blue salts bottle, Laura walked over to her and took it from her hands. "And what," said the barefooted Salvation Army girl to Miss Livingstone, "might your name be?"

"Cora" Laura still spoke from the window, not turning "aren't you tired of it all, of this getting so upset about one man and then another and " "Tired!" Cora uttered the word in a repressed fury of emphasis. "I'm sick of everything! I don't care for anything or anybody on this earth except except you and mamma. I thought I was going to love Val. I thought I did but oh, my Lord, I don't!