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For they might not overlook nor gloze the fact that hers had been the hands responsible for the theft of the jewels; innocent though she had been in committing that larceny, a cat's-paw guided by an intelligence unscrupulous and malign, the law would not hold her guiltless were she once brought within its cognizance. Nor, possibly, would the Hallams, mother and son.

'Oh, sir, I don't know nothin' about them, replied the girl; 'indeed, sir, I don't'; thinking it was some other petty larceny he was inquiring about. 'Well, but you can tell me where to find a sheet of paper, surely? rejoined he. 'Oh, indeed, sir, I can't, replied she; 'I know nothin' about nothin' of the sort. Servants never do. 'What sort? asked Mr. Sponge, wondering at her vehemence.

In a larceny case he took those who were counsel with him for the defence aside and said, "If you can say anything for the man do it. I can't. If I attempt it, the jury will see that I think he is guilty and convict him of course." In another case he proved an account for his client, who, though he did not know it, was a rogue. The counsel on the other side proved a receipt.

Squire Inchly spoke seriously, as became a magistrate. Bradley Gaither's thin lips grew thinner as he smiled. "I'm as serious as the thieves that stole my cotton, Squire Inchly," said Bradley Gaither. "Two whole bales of cotton in these days is a heavy loss," said the Squire, reflectively. "I hope you'll ketch the inconsiderate parties to the larceny."

The State of Tennessee does not hold itself responsible for acts of larceny committed by her citizens, nor does the United Staten or any other nation. These are individual acts of wrong, and punishment can only be inflicted on the wrong-doer. I know the difficulty of identifying particular soldiers, but difficulties do not alter the importance of principles of justice.

Before the stove, and even with the ground, is the wide and deep tank filled with water. The slave charged with larceny stands at the foot of the tribunal with his arms tied behind his back. He is a young man and looks frightened at the judges. The accuser, a man of ripe age, contemplates the tribunal confidently. Agreeable to the usage in such instances, six other slaves surround the two men.

"And then I remember vaguely to have heard that he committed, or was said to have committed, some villanous action connected with a great lady's jewels, and to have left Paris in consequence." "Ah, yes; a sad scrape. At that time there was a political crisis; we were under a Republic; anything against a noble was believed. But I am sure Victor de Mauleon was not the man to commit a larceny.

The Crown Lawyers treated him in the manner that an Old Bailey Counsellor would cross-examine an approver in a case of Larceny; and as for the Prisoner, he just shut his eyes while Murray was giving evidence; and when he had finished, turns to the Gentleman Gaoler, and asks, with his eyes still shut, "Is IT gone?" meaning Judas. At which there was some merriment.

"If what Monsieur says is true," he exclaimed to the Honorable, throwing out his clenched hand, "if these letters are found upon those notes, then I understand it. I can prove that this infernal, greasy, treacherous devil, be he friend or traitor, or whatever he chooses to be, to the Bleu party or myself, committed that despicable larceny and has wronged that poor young man.

The letter which caused this display of sagacity was paid for out of my wretched weekly earnings. At the sacrifice of every sou I owned, I came here to thwart the plot it spoke of." Dupleisis glanced at her with an incredulous sneer. "He wrote to Paris for a woman to assist him, what weaklings you men are! and, utterly unable to prevent the larceny, I pretended to be his accomplice.