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Her passengers numbered 174 persons and including a corps of Maryland Loyalists and part of Col. Hewlett's battalion of De Lancey's Brigade. Of these 99 perished and 75 were saved by fishing boats. According to the account of Captain Patrick Kennedy of the Maryland Loyalists, the accident was due to gross neglect.

Lancey's communications were of so surprising a nature, so varied and so suggestive, that my mind was overwhelmed in the mere attempt to recall what he had said; in another moment I had forgotten all, and dropped into a deep, dreamless, refreshing slumber.

Lancey's indignation having already half-cooled, and his memory being refreshed just then with some vivid remembrances of the Eastern mode of summoning black slaves by the clapping of hands, followed by the flying off of heads or the prompt application of bowstrings to necks, he said, still however with an offended air

One day, a little later in that same December, Tom and I had taken the road by way of General De Lancey's country mansion at Bloomingdale, rather than our usual course, which lay past the Murray house of Incledon.

"Well then, tell 'im what you like, hall I've got to say is that I've told the plain truth, an' 'e's welcome to believe it or not as 'e likes." Without the slightest change in his grave countenance, or his appearing in the least degree offended by Lancey's free-and-easy manner, the red-bearded officer again turned to address the captain.

I must ha' been on forty or fifty prisoners' gyards, first an' last, an' I hate ut new ivry time." "Let's see. You were on Losson's, Lancey's, Dugard's, and Stebbins's, that I can remember," I said. "Ay, an' before that an' before that scores av thim," he answered with a worn smile. "Tis betther to die than to live for thim, though.

"Have you heard that Major André has been hanged?" was the reply. "Is there any probability of movements below that will make travelling dangerous?" asked Harper. Birch answered slowly, "I saw some of De Lancey's men cleaning their arms as I passed their quarters, for the Virginia Horse are now in the county."

Casting a savage piercing look on Lancey, and apparently not feeling sure, from his appearance, whether he was friend or foe, the man presented his rifle and fired. The ball grazed Lancey's chest, and entering the forehead of the old woman scattered her brains on the wall.

Lancey's powers were limited, but his ambition was not so, and I am bound to add that his application was beyond all praise. Of course his attainments, like his powers, were not great. His chief difficulty lay in his tendency to drop the letter h from its rightful position in words, and to insert it, along with r and k, in wrong places.

"'Tis the cold," said I. "We're not all of your constitution, to walk around in shirt-sleeves this weather." "Why," says the landlord, "I go by the almanac. 'Tis time for the January thaw, 'cordin' to that. Something afoot to-night, eh? One o' them little trips up the river, or out East Chester way, with De Lancey's men, I reckon?"