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This covering is not always broken and then the digestive juices are practically powerless. The legumes, which are rich in protein, are comparatively hard to digest. If properly prepared and eaten, they give little or no trouble, but they are generally cooked soft and the mastication is slighted. The result is fermentation.

They are what one may call hearty foods and as a rule one should lead a fairly active life to enjoy and digest them satisfactorily. The same may be said of dried peas. Lentils belong in the same class and are very similar to the bean in its nourishing elements. Beans, peas and lentils form a class known as the legumes, and contain a high percentage of protein.

Ripe peas, beans and lentils may be cooked alike. In cooking ripe legumes, try to get as soft water as possible. Hard water contains salts of lime and magnesia and these prevent the softening of the legumes. Bean soup: Clean the beans and wash them. Let them soak over night. Cook them in the same water in which they have been soaked, until tender.

In live-stock farming one-fourth of the nitrogen in the food consumed is retained in the animal products meat, milk, wool, and so on and three-fourths may be returned to the land in the excrements if saved without loss. When grown on soils of normal productive capacity legumes secure about two-thirds of their total nitrogen from the air and one-third from the soil.

It is doubtful if the direct addition of phosphorus to your sloping lands will ever be necessary or profitable. Certainly such addition is not advisable until you have brought the land to as high a state of fertility as is practicable by means of limestone, legumes, and manure." "That seems clearly to be the case with most of the land now under cultivation on this farm," said Mr.

Corn stored in this way is preserved for fifty years, and millet, indeed, for more than a century. On the ether hand again, in hither Spain and in certain parts of Apulia they build elevated granaries above ground, which the winds keep cool, not only by windows at the sides but also from underneath the floor. Of storing legumes

On one occasion the house was occupied by a German staff-officer, and their walks ceased for three weeks; but for the greater part of the time it had remained untenanted. During the period previous to our coming they had been almost entirely without food, other than fruit and dried legumes.

Dried Legumes: Lima beans ........... 10.4 18.1 1.5 65.9 4.1 1625 Navy beans ........... 12.6 22.5 1.8 59.6 3.5 1605 Lentils .............. 8.4 25.7 1.0 59.2 5.7 1620 Dried peas ........... 9.5 24.6 1.0 62.0 2.9 1655 Soy beans ............ 10.8 34.0 16.8 33.7 4.7 1970 Peanuts .............. 9.2 25.8 38.6 24.4 2.0 2560 Analyses of all foods are approximate.

fr. s. Boeuf au naturel ou a la sauce 0 15 Boeuf aux choux ou aux legumes 0 18 Carnebif 1 10 Rosbif 1 5 Filet de Boeuf saute dans sa glace 1 5 Bifteck 1 5 Entre-cote, sauce aux cornichons 1 5 Palais de Boeuf au gratin 1 4 Palais de Boeuf a la poulette ou a l'Italienne 1 0 Langue de Boeuf glacee aux epinards 1 0 Jarrets de veau 0 15

The first reason is that it protects the land from the rough usage and wash of winter storms; the second, that it adds humus to the soil; and the third, if one of the legumes is used, that it collects nitrogen from the air, stores it in each knuckle and joint, and holds it there until it is liberated by the decay of the plant.