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According to the species, they inhabit low marshes, thick forests, or dry open hills; and several kinds are indigenous to the high table-lands of the Andes. Their usual food consists of fruits, legumes, and roots; but they are nearly all omnivorous, and will eat carrion whenever it falls in their way. To this group belong two very singular animals, that have only of late years become known.

True, those who have ruined their sense of taste object to the tartness and natural acidity of various foods, but they are not judges and can not be until they have regained a normal taste, which can only be done by living on natural foods for a while. Fats are obtained most plentifully from nuts, legumes, dairy products and animal foods.

Generally in California, such a crop can be most conveniently grown during the rainy season, but in some parts of the State where irrigation water is available, a summer growth can be procured with very satisfactory results; so that we are now growing in California both wintergrowing legumes, like field peas, vetches, burr clover, etc., which are hardy enough to grow in spite of the light frosts which may prevail, and are also growing summer legumes which thrive under high temperature, like cowpeas and other members of the bean family, and for which water can be spared without injury to the fruit trees which share the application of the land with them.

As Macaulay would say, "every school boy knows" now that leguminous root nodules are endotrophic mycorrhiza, but the Romans did not! Nevertheless their empirical practice of soil improvement with legumes was quite as good as ours. Pliny H.N. XVII, 267 and Fraser, The Golden Bough, XI, 177.

In natural foods they are abundantly present, but when these foods are unduly refined, or are soaked in water which is thrown away, much of the phosphorus is lost. We get phosphorus from milk, eggs, cereals, legumes and other foods. Of course, there is phosphorus in fish, but those who eat sea food to make themselves brainy will probably be disappointed.

The intelligent farmer today sits under his shade tree and meditates comfortably upon the least expensive and most profitable labour on his farm, the countless millions of beneficent bacteria who, his willing slaves, are ceaselessly at work during hot weather forming root tubercles on his legumes, be it clover or cow peas, and so fixing for their lord the free atmospheric nitrogen contained in the soil.

Many people know that clover and other legumes have power, through the bacteria which inhabit their root tubercles, to feed upon the inexhaustible supply of atmospheric nitrogen which freely enters the pores of the soil; but who knows how much nitrogen is taken from the air by a given crop of clover?

The vegetables belonging to the bean family; namely, beans, peas, and lentils. Lentils. A variety of the class of vegetables called legumes. A mixture of green vegetables. A pickle used for seasoning meat or fish before cooking. Marinate. To pickle in vinegar or French dressing, as meat or fish is seasoned. Chestnuts. Menu. A bill of fare.

Do you think 500 pounds of lime per acre would help a sandy soil which has not been enriched by pasturing or legumes? Of course, we would not apply the lime until next fall before plowing. Lime is not usually called for in a sandy soil, which probably requires direct fertilizing with stable or commercial fertilizers. Lime on Alfalfa. What effect does putting lime on land have in holding moisture?

A mixed preparation of vegetables stewed in their own sauce; also, a garnish of various vegetables. A clear soup with shredded vegetables. Junket. Milk jellied by means of rennet. Kippered. Dried or smoked. Larding. The insertion of strips of fat pork into lean meat. The fat is inserted before cooking. Lardon. A piece of salt pork or bacon used in larding. Legumes.