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Carmen Calero got twenty-two kilos of dynamite and stored it in a house at 39 Juan de la Mateos, in Mexico City. She, her sister, Colonel Valenzuela, and four others, met at her home and laid plans to assassinate President Cárdenas by blowing up his train when he left on a proposed trip to Sonora. On November 18, 1937, the secret police made a series of simultaneous raids upon Dr.

From this there is obtained a bloom of 15 kilos. The operation is performed as follows: While the assistant has gone to put the bloom of the preceding operation under the hammer, the workman prepares at the bottom of the crucible a bed consisting of a mixture of sand and very fine charcoal, and then fills the crucible up to its edge with charcoal.

"Then you estimate the gain from the silkworms at about fifty kilos of cocoons to an ounce?" "Yes, Excellency," replied the intendant. "One hundred ounces of yellow; one hundred times fifty makes five thousand," resumed the Countess. "At four francs fifty?" "Perhaps five, Excellency," said the intendant.

The selling price is very variable, and depends principally upon the distance of the place where sold from the different forges that surround it. At Ouro Preto the price varies between 45 and 50 francs per 100 kilos. The following is a resume of the data which precede: Cost of first establishment.................. 10,000 fr. Le Genie Civil.

Here and there, but rarely, is a group of marching men generally men singing as they march. Occasionally a troop of German prisoners marching with the goose step, comes swinging along carrying their shovels at a martial angle road menders which proves that we are more than thirty kilos from the firing line; now and then a camp-kitchen rattles past.

'How can you tell? asked Daddy, laughing slyly, immensely pleased about it all. 'Oh, by the weight of the paquet, comme ca, was the reply. 'It weighs 75 kilos. That means there must be something for Mummy in it. The author turned towards his cousin, hiding his smile. 'It's a box of clothes, he explained, 'from my cousins in Scotland, Lady X you know, and her family.

"Tell them that in return for 1,000 KWH we require 3,000 kilos of sample six," I said. Mannion reported back. "They agreed in a hurry, Captain. They seem to feel pretty good about the deal. They want to chat, now that they've got a bargain. I'm still taping a long tirade." "Good," I said. "Better get ready to send about six men with an auxiliary pusher to bring home the bacon.

The battery is kept up by adding every eight days a few thousandths of hydrochloric acid to a vatful of the spirits under treatment, say 5 kilos. of acid to 150 hectoliters of spirits. The object of adding this acid is to dissolve the hydrate of oxide of zinc formed during the electrolysis and deposited in a whitish stratum upon the surface of the copper.

At night along these country roads, thirty kilos back from the line we travelled with lights; so that night out of Rheims, we hurried through the night, passed village after village swarming with soldiers, black and yellow and white; for the colour line does not irritate the French; and we saw how gay and happy they were, crowding into picture shows, listening to the regimental band, sitting on the sidewalks before the cafes, or dancing with the girls in the parks.

The roof is 64.520 meters wide and 14.628 meters high; and its total weight is 103.300 kilos. for the ironwork representing a weight of 31.6 kilos. per square meter of surface. It is proposed to employ for its covering wooden purlins and tin plates. The whole construction has a light, pleasing, and yet thoroughly solid appearance.