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Updated: November 23, 2024
"Why, Kieth," she said quickly, "you know I couldn't have waited a day longer. I saw you when I was five, but of course I didn't remember, and how could I have gone on without practically ever having seen my only brother?" "It was mighty sweet of you, Lois," he repeated. Lois blushed he DID have personality. "I want you to tell me all about yourself," he said after a pause.
"Oh," she said quickly, "everybody talks about everything now." "It's probably better that way." "Oh, yes, much better. Well, that's all, Kieth. I just wanted to tell you why I'm a little luke-warm, at present." "I'm not shocked, Lois. I understand better than you think. We all go through those times. But I know it'll come out all right, child.
Oh, I don't know I said that a man named Howard that a man I knew was sweet, and he didn't agree with me, and we began talking about what sweetness in a man was: He kept telling me I meant a sort of soppy softness, but I knew I didn't yet I didn't know exactly how to put it. I see now. I meant just the opposite. I suppose real sweetness is a sort of hardness and strength." Kieth nodded.
"No," said Kieth earnestly, "I'm not sure that knocking about gives a man the sort of experience he can communicate to others. Some of the broadest men I've known have been absolutely rigid about themselves. And reformed libertines are a notoriously intolerant class. Don't you thank so, Lois?"
General Ott opposed this because he intended to leave with some twenty-five thousand men of the blockading force to go and join Field-marshal Mélas, and he did not want these French officers to warn General Bonaparte of his movements. But Admiral Kieth overruled this objection. The treaty was about to be signed when, from far away, in the midst of the mountains, came the distant sound of gunfire.
If the wick wasn't straight, candles did something but they didn't do this! With incalculable rapidity a force was gathering within her, a tremendous, assimilative force, drawing from every sense, every corner of her brain, and as it surged up inside her she felt an enormous terrified repulsion. She drew her arms in close to her side away from Kieth and Jarvis.
He says Christ was a great socialist, though. Am I shocking you?" She broke off suddenly. Kieth smiled. "You can't shock a monk. He's a professional shock-absorber." "Well," she continued, "that's about all. It seems so so NARROW. Church schools, for instance. There's more freedom about things that Catholic people can't see like birth control." Kieth winced, almost imperceptibly, but Lois saw it.
She had a lightning impression that they were especially fond of Kieth the Father Rector had called him "Kieth" and one of the others had kept a hand on his shoulder all through the conversation.
And then I wanted some day to take your children on my knee and hear them call the crabbed old monk Uncle Kieth." He seemed to be laughing now as he talked. "Oh, Lois, Lois, I was asking God for more then. I wanted the letters you'd write me and the place I'd have at your table. I wanted an awful lot, Lois, dear." "You've got me, Kieth," she sobbed "you know it, say you know it.
"But way back in a man's heart there are some things he can't get rid of an one of them is that I'm awfully in love with my little sister." With a sudden impulse she knelt beside him in the grass and, Leaning over, kissed his forehead. "You're hard, Kieth," she said, "and I love you for it and you're sweet."
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