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Updated: January 15, 2025

I'll assure you, Sir, she's kept, and is a great Rarity, but to a Friend, or so Sir Tim. Hum kept pray, by whom? Driv. Why, a silly Knight, Sir, that Sir Tim. Ay, ay, silly indeed a Pox upon her a silly Knight, you say Driv. Ay, Sir, one she makes a very Ass of. Sir Tim. Ay, so methinks but she's kind, and will do reason for all him. Driv. To a Friend, a Man of Quality or so. Sir Tim.

Dr Anderson rushed out through a hot fire, accompanied by Captain Bate's coxswain, to his assistance, but he never spoke again. They escaped uninjured. "Some minutes before the time, the French advanced, and the English could not be kept back. They had crossed the ditch, and were clustered under the walls before the scaling-ladders could be brought up.

A second means by which a student may be kept from too positive and fixed an attitude is by being trained to feel satisfied that many a clearly stated problem that has arisen with him cannot be definitely and finally answered at the present time, and perhaps not at all. Slowness in passing judgment may usually be urged with propriety.

Madame Valville was like most young Frenchwomen of her class; she had charms which she wished to turn to account, and a passable education; her ambition was to be kept by one man, and the title of mistress was more pleasing in her ears than that of wife. In the intervals of four amorous combats she told me enough of her life for me to divine what it had been.

At the formation of the Board of Agriculture, he was named Secretary, with a salary and duties that kept him mostly in London, where he died at an advanced age in 1820.

Hogs are kept to a larger size; the chine or backbone is cut down on each side, the whole length, and is a prime part either boiled or roasted. The sides of the hog are made into bacon, and the inside is cut out with very little meat to the bone. On each side there is a large sparerib, which is usually divided into two, a sweet bone and a blade bone.

Their loves, their deeds, their lives, however good and worthy, were clothed in modesty and kept far up the stage, to be, even when everything was over, not always given the privilege to die as did their masters, but, like Horatio, bade to live and be still the loyal servant: "But in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story."

"For you, Amine? yes, to defend you, if 'twere necessary, once more." "I know it would how kind of you to watch this tedious night after so much exertion and fatigue! but it is now broad day." "Until I saw the dawn, Amine, I kept a faithful watch." "But now retire and take some rest. My father is risen you can lie down on his bed." "I thank you, but I feel no wish for sleep. There is much to do.

Aldegonde and that the six assassins had, since the time of the Duke of Parma, been kept in the pay of the King of Spain as nobles, to be employed as occasion should serve.

"If you had kept still for a few weeks, I might have used the money, and paid it off in the fall. Of course I didn't mean to have you keep it; but if I could have had the use of it even a month, it would have saved me. As it is, I must fail," groaned the landlord. "I can't get over the first of July any way in the world." "How much do you owe, father?" asked Leopold.

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