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In answer to a question, the Malay captain assured us that we might feel quite safe amongst the Ke islanders, and also with those in the Aru and neighbouring isles; but he said that he would not trust the men of New Guinea, unless it was in a place where they had never seen white men before.

The forests of Ke produce magnificent timber, tall, straight, and durable, of various qualities, some of which are said to be superior to the best Indian teak. To make each pair of planks used in the construction of the larger boats an entire tree is consumed. It is felled, often miles away from the shore, cut across to the proper length, and then hewn longitudinally into two equal portions.

But here not being room, I quote only the following passage, which the Telegraph has published as my saying: "I knew Don Ke Shott; some call him Don Quixote, but I call him Don Ke Shott. I can tell you all about him." Mediums of lying and destroying spirits have been brought to that Convention from the Cities of New-York, Boston and many other places of several States.

The proverb says of this: Aole e nalo ana na iwi o ke 'lii kolohe; e nalo loa na iwi o ke 'lii maikai The bones of a bad chief do not disappear; those of a good chief are veiled from the eyes of all the world. The high chiefs, before death, made their most trusty attendants swear to conceal their bones so that no one could discover them.

Side below with a view to make some luner observations the night proved Cloudy and we were disapointed The Indians Came down all the Couses of this river on each Side on horses to view us as we were desending, The man whome we saw at the ruged rapid and expressed an inclination to accompany us to the great rapids, came up with his Son in a Small Canoe and procisted in his intentions- worthey of remark that not one Stick of timber on the river near the forks and but a fiew trees for a great distance up the River we decended I think Lewis's River is about 250 yards wide, the Koos koos ke River about 150 yards wide and the river below the forks about 300 yards wide. a miss understanding took place between Shabono one of our interpreters, and Jo. & R Fields which appears to have originated in just- our diet extremely bad haveing nothing but roots and dried fish to eate, all the Party have greatly the advantage of me, in as much as they all relish the flesh of the dogs, Several of which we purchased of the nativs for to add to our Store of fish and roots &c. &c.

"I did think of going there, Nat; but I want to get to less-frequented spots, and I have found to-day a great prahu that is going right away to the Ke Islands, which will be well on our route to Aru and New Guinea. The Malay captain says he will take us, and tow our boat behind." "Our boat, uncle?"

On arrival at the large building known as the Subada Ke Kothee the gates were opened at once at the order of the Nana's officer, and the palanquin was carried across the courtyard to the door of the building which was used as a prison for the white women and children. It was taken into the great arched room and set down.

He went down to the river, and sang the song which calls the Weewillmekq'. "We que moh wee will l'mick, We que moh m'cha micso, Som'awo wee will l'mick! Cardup ke su m'so wo Sawo!" I call on the Wee-will-l'mick! I call on the Terrible One! On the One with the Horns! I dare him to appear! It came to him in all its terrors. Its eyes were like fire; its horns rose. It asked him what he wanted.

A bare catalogue of the places visited and explored includes Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, the Moluccas, Timor, New Guinea, the Aru and Islands. Comparing this list with that given by Darwin at the close of the "Journal," we find that though in some respects the ground covered by the two men was similar, it never actually overlapped.

For frequently by a Homeric lottery have many hit upon their destinies; as is testified in the person of Socrates, who, whilst he was in prison, hearing the recitation of this verse of Homer, said of Achilles in the Ninth of the Iliads Emati ke tritato Phthien eribolon ikoimen, We, the third day, to fertile Pthia came thereby foresaw that on the third subsequent day he was to die.