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Lemer, who had known him before, does indeed remark that he seemed much aged; but Champfleury, who saw him for the first time, is only struck with his strength, animal spirits, and keen intelligence. In the midst of the despondent unhealthy tendencies of the literary talent of his day, he was still, with his joie de vivre, a man apart.

"I am the mistress of the head maison de joie in New York." "What!" I returned, "do you mean to tell me that you keep a house of that kind?" "I do indeed, and a delightful time I have of it." "How I should love to know its mysteries." "That you can easily do come and spend tonight with us. You shall see everything without being seen yourself.

Journalism of which the mainspring is the gaining of pleasure may easily degenerate into something akin to the comic actor's function. Stevenson in a famous passage compared the writers of belles-lettres to "filles de joie."

So, if you please, the next book of Bedtime Stories will be called "Joie, Tommie and Kittie Kat." Their names are spelled with a "K" you may notice, but they are not at all proud, or stuck-up, on that account. I hope you will like them as well as you have Buddy and Brighteyes Pigg.

Her energies demanded the safety-valve of constant speech, and she was one of those American hostesses that hold that to neglect a guest is an unpardonable breach of hospitality. She even gave up bridge for the week. Moreover, Isabel was not long discovering that she contributed her part towards the sustenance of that wondrous buoyancy, those eternal high spirits, that glorious joie de vivre.

In Philadelphia, he stopped with his cronies at one of the most elegant and spacious hotels of the city, stipulating for the exclusive use of it during their stay. He bought fine horses, carriages of the most approved pattern, and furnished a maison de joie, where he reveled every night. Many Philadelphians will long remember his daily freaks of extravagance.

A good dinner and a bottle of old wine come! nonsense, I say you shall come! Vive la joie!" While speaking, he had linked his arm in Morton's, and hurried him on several paces in spite of his struggles; but just as the words Vive la joie left his lips, he stood still and mute, as if a thunderbolt had fallen at his feet; and Morton felt that heavy arm shiver and tremble like a leaf.

Piracy is more practicable than victory. Not being an admirer of wars, I shall reserve my feux de joie for peace. My letters, I think, are rather eras than journals. Three days ago commenced another date the establishment of a family for the Prince of Wales. I do not know all the names, and fewer of the faces that compose it; nor intend.

To hide, as far as might be, the existence of the hungry, all-compelling joie de vivre which is begotten whensoever youth thus seeks and finds youth. These unspoken and, as yet, unspeakable things were alone of real moment, making eyes lustrous and lips quick with tremulous, uncalled-for smiles irrespective of the purport of their speech.

Near one hundred soldiers of the English detachment were frost-bitten, and were brought back to the garrison on sleighs. Capt. Herbin, the commanding officer, escaped; but his watch, hat, and feather, 'fille de joie, with a cask of wine and case of liqueurs, were taken. As Madame de St.