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"It'll save you trouble if it don't save your pocket." He thrust his hands in his trouser-pockets and, spreading his legs wide apart, tilted his head back and blew smoke to the ceiling. He was in the same easy position when Ethel arrived home accompanied by Mr. Potter. "It's it's your Uncle Gussie," said Mrs. Spriggs, as the girl stood eying the visitor.

It'll make you look every bit a sailor, and won't wash off in a month." Godfrey drew in his breath with a hiss. "Why, what is it, Bunny?" said Waller. "Real good pitch, sir, same as they pays over the bottoms of their boats." "Oh, but surely that isn't necessary," cried Waller angrily. "He's right," said Godfrey, as he began to rub the sticky brown produce of the fir well over his hands and face.

Joe of the "Bar X" drew in his breath sharply. "It'll sure be dead then," he muttered, "that cuss will never be got no other way." They went at it in the grim silent manner of the West, wasting little time, feeling no mercy.

If you do, read the old report I've been writing. I'll hand you a story that won't shout credit for the feller who designed it. But it'll tell you of the guts of the folk who stood behind him every darn step of the way, and made him crazy to get them through alive. If you'd asked me that two weeks ago I'd have cried like a babe. Now it's different.

"My lord and you, Lord Glenalmond, my dear friend," he began, "this is a happy chance for me, that I can make my confession and offer my apologies to two of you at once." "Ah, but I don't know about that. Confession? It'll be judeecial, my young friend," cried the jocular Glenkindie. "And I'm afraid to listen to ye. Think if ye were to make me a coanvert!"

"Have another drop," said Doyle. "It's doing you good." Gallagher pushed his tumbler across the table. Doyle replenished it. "I'd be sorry," said Doyle, "if Mr. Ford was to be able to say he'd got the better of you, Thady, in a matter of the kind." "It'll not be me he'll get the better of." "He'll say it," said Doyle, "and what's more there's them that will believe it.

"I suppose the money is not all there," suggested Mr. Wilson. "There's a queer story going about as to some diamonds. No one knows whom they belong to, and they say that Fawn has accused her of stealing them. He wants to get hold of them, and she won't give them up. I believe the lawyers are to have a shy at it. I'm sorry for Fawn. It'll do him a deal of mischief."

As the time passed the Indian yells, which had, when they first entered the wood, sounded so alarmingly near, died away, and a perfect stillness reigned in the forest. It was late in the afternoon before Peter halted. "We can rest now," he said. "It'll be hours before the critters can be here. Now let us have some tea." He began to look for some dried sticks. Harold offered to assist.

But them Fayetteville folks want to keep away " The fierce light slowly died out of his eyes. "It'll be all right, ma'am, and it's mighty good and kind of you fo' to feel the way you do. I'm obliged to you." But Betty was by no means sure of the outcome Yancy seemed to predict with such confidence.

It had felt that stinging thing before, and hated it. Then it started to run away from this terrible thing that bestrode its back. "By Heaven! it's running away," muttered Bud. "It'll be an act o' Providence if Ted isn't killed." Down the arena they dashed, Ted sitting in the saddle as if he and it and the stallion were all of a piece.