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"'Out of this house, you ingrate! he bellers. 'Out this instant! I discharge you. Go! go! "He was actually frothin' at the mouth. I cal'late Olivia thought he was goin' to die, for she run to him. "'You'd better go, I think, says she to her shakin' beau. 'Go, dear, now. I must stay with him for the present, but we will see each other soon. Go now, and trust me.

The Prince of Hyrcania cried out, "Audacious infidel! take the reward of thy insolence!" and aimed a blow at Huon, which, if it had reached him, would have brought his embassy to a speedy termination. But the ingrate failed of his aim, and Huon punished his blasphemy and ingratitude at once by a blow which severed his head from his body.

In the kitchen I caught scraps of Brer Rabbit's history, pithily applied, other scraps of song Mammy always "gave out" the words to herself before singing them proverbs and sayings such as "Cow want her tail agin in fly-time" applied to an ingrate, or: "Dat's er high kick fer er low horse," by way of setting properly in place a pretender.

He could not forget that once, behind the grim bars in the penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, he had cried on her shoulder. He could not be an ingrate and wound her with his inmost thoughts any more than he could deceive himself.

When a man has been embraced by a woman, he sees her in a glamour; and at such a time, in the baffling glimmer of the stars, she will look wildly well. The hair is touched with light; the eyes are constellations; the face sketched in shadows a sketch, you might say, by passion. Otto became consoled for his defeat; he began to take an interest. "No," he said, "I am no ingrate."

Women were delicious irresponsible beings; man was an ingrate to take their shortcomings seriously. "Why do you laugh?" asked his daughter, whose arm nearly strangled him. "You were very angry when you came into mamma's room." "Indeed?" said Hamilton, nettled. "Was I not smiling?" "Yes, sir; but you often smile when you would like to run the carving-knife into somebody."

She had gone out, certain of the girl's forced submission, and came back to find her gone. She crushed the note in her hand, flung it down and stamped upon it furiously; for it seemed as if half a million of gold had melted down into the bit of paper, which she could only trample under her feet in impotent wrath. "The viper! the ingrate! the thing made of iron! Oh, if it were her! if it were her!

Who ever heard of teasing a young lady about a gentleman she has never seen, only three times, and who has never declared any preference?" "Madame," replied her husband, in great wrath, either real or simulated, "vous etes une ingrate, une, une words fail me, to express what I think of your enormous and unkind ingratitude.

Ambition only makes a favourite to make an ingrate; she has lavished her honours on Lord , and see how he speaks of her bounty?" "Nay," said the Earl, "I spoke wantonly, and stand corrected. I have no reason to complain of the course I have chosen. Ambition, like any other passion, gives us unhappy moments; but it gives us also an animated life.

"Ingrate! do you mean to say that you will not fulfil a sacred engagement? that you will break an oath given to the dead." "I do not hold myself bound by the oaths of another, though he were twice my father. I am responsible for no acts but my own. I, only, can give myself away. Why should you wish to force this marriage on me?