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Having thus dragged the reader without apology into the most intimate regions of my family circle, I had perhaps better introduce myself and my entourage a little more formally. My name is Samuel Adrian Inglethwaite. Why I was called Samuel I do not know. Possibly my parents did.

I'm afraid I haven't explained things very deeply, but then you men are such creatures for wanting to get to the root of the matter, aren't they, Mrs Gulching? However, Mr Inglethwaite will call shortly and discuss things with you. I know he wants your advice. Meanwhile, perhaps you will mention the matter to any friends of yours whom you think would be likely to help us, won't you?

"'Gentlemen, will you not let me say a word for Mr Inglethwaite?" Dolly's eyes began to blaze, and I saw her lips part in anticipation. "There was a tremendous uproar then," Robin went on with relish. "The folk howled to Stridge to put me over the balcony " "I wish he had tried!" said Gerald with simple fervour. "And other folk cried to me to go on.

"Mr Cash, don't you see how painful these proposals are to Mr Inglethwaite? Put such ideas out of your head once and for all. No man worthy of the name would accept votes won in such a way." There was a confirmatory rumble from Robin. "We can't have ad misericordiam appeals here, Mr Cash," he said. Champion continued briskly "Now, Mr Cash, we will get Mr Inglethwaite a drink and send him to bed.

That was this child's fault," said Kitty, indicating Miss Buncle. "How?" "Well, there was a rather gorgeous-looking chieftain sort of person sitting in a front pew, and I saw Maimie twisting her head all during the service to look at him." "Yes," admitted the culprit frankly. "Put me in the neighbourhood of a kilt, and I'm a common rubberneck straight away, Mr Inglethwaite.

"I must certainly discover some point of difference between these ladies," continued Robin with an air of determination, "or I shall always be in difficulties. Do not tell me the secret, Mrs Inglethwaite. Perhaps I can find out for myself." He concluded a minute inspection of the indignant Dilly, and turned his unruffled gaze on Dolly. "Yes," he said, "I have it! It was quite true: she had.

Her acquaintance with the ritual of the Church of Scotland was hazy, and she was evidently determined to-day to be surprised at nothing; but evidently this mysterious reference could not be allowed to pass without some explanation. The Twins convulsively gripped each other's hands under the table. "That is a Scottish expression," said Robin, smiling upon us. "You must pardon me, Mrs Inglethwaite.

As regards Robin's share in the event, I can only recall one incident. He had been away at Stoneleigh, the largest town in my constituency, on some party business, and when he returned home the engagement had been announced for nearly a week. "I must go and offer my good wishes to Miss Dilly," he said, after hearing the news. "Do you know where she is, Mrs Inglethwaite?"

My husband never ceases to express to me his regret that he did not marry one of my sisters. And he answered at once, quite seriously, without stopping to think it out or anything: 'I am sure, Mrs Inglethwaite, that his regret must be shared by countless old admirers of yours! Wasn't it rather sweet of him?"

We came well out of that ordeal, for both Kitty and Dolly happened to be in the carriage that day, and they so completely captivated the spokesman of the deputation no wonder! a pretty woman never looks so attractive as in furs that that gentleman concluded a catechism of unpremeditated brevity and incoherence by proposing a vote of confidence in, coupled with three cheers for, Mr Inglethwaite and his young ladies!