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Both were dated ten years back, and the paper was yellow with time, besides being creased and thumbed as by many readings. "What am I to do?" thought Mabel, sinking into her chair, trembling all over with terror and incertitude. If there were one sentiment in Winston Aylett's heart that equalled his haughtiness, it was love for his wife.

Let me strengthen this with the following additional illustration: Not long ago at a Materializing séance where I was, I think, unknown to everyone, certainly to the Medium, a Spirit emerged from the Cabinet, clad in flowing white robes, and advanced towards me with a wavering gait, which could be readily converted into a tottering walk, if I should perchance ask if it were my great-grandmother, or could be interpreted as the feeble incertitude of a first materialization, if I should perchance descend the family tree and ask for a more youthful scion.

"From no selfish motives," I said, troubled, as if all the great incertitude of my mind had been awakened by the sound that brought so much delight to my heart. "My valour is nothing." "It has given me a new courage," she said. "You did not want more," I said earnestly. "Ah! I was very much alone. It is difficult to " She hesitated. "To live alone," I finished.

Pitcairn more than to have the strong, thoughtful boy prepare himself to become his successor in the management of the thrifty and well-kept place. While Tom was in this state of incertitude, Providence opened the way, as it always does to the one who is waiting to accept the indication.

He likewise saw with pleasure the assurances which the Emperor gave his brother of his love of peace, as well as the wavering of the imperial resolves, and the incertitude respecting the fate of the Italian princes, which the Emperor easily perceived to depend on Bonaparte. The Emperor's letter was as follows:

He likewise saw with pleasure the assurances which the Emperor gave his brother of his love of peace, as well as the wavering of the imperial resolves, and the incertitude respecting the fate of the Italian princes, which the Emperor easily perceived to depend on Bonaparte. The Emperor's letter was as follows:

Could there be a stronger argument in favor of a world to come than may be found in the brevity and incertitude of the world that is? Where this side of heaven shall we look for the court of last resort? Who this side of the grave shall be sure of anything? At this moment the world having reached what seems the apex of human achievement is topsy-turvy and all agog.

The plan seemed to act for the time being at least, for after a moment's incertitude, in which she seemed to battle with herself, she turned her humid brown eyes upon him, and said softly: 'I am very foolishly suspicious sometimes, Paul. I know oh, I know that I am not the girl I used to be. Bear with me, dear. I shall be different by-and-by.

To her is imputed every loss, every gain; in all the accounts of life she alone fills up both the debit and the credit side, and we are so subject to chance that Chance itself becomes our god, and again proves the incertitude of the deity.” Even if a great deal of this may be put down to rhetoric, by which Pliny was easily carried away, the solid fact itself remains that he felt justified in speaking as if Dame Fortune had dethroned all the old gods.

And my first words were prompted by just that troubled incertitude. "What's the matter?" I asked in my ordinary tone, speaking down to the face upturned exactly under mine. "Cramp," it answered, no louder. Then slightly anxious, "I say, no need to call any one." "I was not going to," I said. "Are you alone on deck?" "Yes."