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Don't seem to care for it now. I was saying so to you on'y last night, wasn't I, Peter?" "You was," ses Peter; "so was I." "Then I've done you good, Ginger," ses Isaac, clapping 'im on the back. "You 'ave," ses Ginger, speaking between his teeth, "and I thank you for it. I don't want drink; but I thought o' going to a music-'all this evening."

"I see Timothy start to wave his arms an' I donno what he would 'a' said if it hadn't been settled for 'im. For then, like it was right out o' the sky, the church organ begun to play soft. For a minute we all looked up, like the Shepherds must of when the voices of the night told 'em the spirit o' God was in the world, born in a little child.

With a look of indescribable horror upon her face she turned upon Nick, turned upon them all with: "You knew, Nick you all knew you had 'im! You knew you had 'im an' you're goin' to kill 'im! But you shan't no, you shan't kill 'im you shan't you shan't . . .!" Once more she started in pursuit of her lover, but only to fall with her face against the door, sobbing as if her heart would break.

"'For God's sake, Lancy, said my uncle, steppin' forward, 'let him go. "At that Lancy said: 'He's right enough. It's not the first time aw've choked a coward. Throw cold water on him and gi' 'im brandy. "Sure enough, he wasn't dead. Lancy stood there watchin' us while we fetched Faddo back, and I tell you, that was a narrow squeak for him.

When Peter said as 'ow all gals was deceivers, he said he'd known it for years, but they was born that way and couldn't 'elp it; and when Ginger said that no man ought to marry afore he was fifty, he corrected 'im and made it fifty-five. "I'm glad to 'ear you talk like that," ses Ginger. "So am I," ses Peter.

They always shipped together and shared lodgings together when they was ashore, and Ted Denver would no more 'ave thought of going out without Charlie Brice than Charlie Brice would 'ave thought of going out without 'im. They shared their baccy and their money and everything else, and it's my opinion that if they 'ad only 'ad one pair o' boots between 'em they'd 'ave hopped along in one each.

She went out, and presently Gorby, who was listening intently, heard a man's voice ask if Mr. Whyte was at home. "No, sir, he ain't," answered the landlady; "but there's a gentleman in his room askin' after 'im. Won't you come in, sir?" "For a rest, yes," returned the visitor, and immediately afterwards Mrs. Hableton appeared, ushering in the late Oliver Whyte's most intimate friend.

The Italian pictures are of small value; but there is a work by Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, said to be the only one in France, an infant Samuel in prayer, apparently a repetition of the pic- ture in England which inspired the little plaster im- age, disseminated in Protestant lands, that we used to admire in our childhood.

My self-control was rewarded at last. "I've 'eard 'im speak," he said, "speak proper, too, not like a baby." He paused, and I grunted to show that I was listening, but as he volunteered no further remark, I said: "What did you hear him say?"

Ginger Dick and Peter waited for 'im at the corner, but he was inside for so long that at last they got tired o' waiting and crept up and peeped through the winder. It was a little tobacconist's shop, with newspapers and penny toys and such-like; but, as far as Ginger could see through two rows o' pipes and the Police News, it was empty.