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Of the thousands of lots sold by him, a very large proportion have been for homesteads for the poor, hundreds of whom became involved through sickness, or other misfortunes, and were not able to make payments when due; many men died and left encumbered homes for widows to struggle on with, but they never lacked a friend in James M. Hoyt.

Loving Father: I take the opportunity to let you know I am alive, and in reasonable health, since I had the small-pox. thanks be to the Lord for it. * I received the things you sent me. * I wish you would go and see if you can't get us exchanged if you please. Matthias Comstock is dead. Sam. Hasted, Ebenezer Hoyt, Jonathan Kellog has gone to the hospital to be inoculated today.

I staid a week in New York City, visiting my uncle, Charles Hoyt, at his beautiful place on Brooklyn Heights, and my uncle James, then living in White Street. My friend William Scott was there, the young husband of my cousin, Louise Hoyt; a neatly-dressed young fellow, who looked on me as an untamed animal just caught in the far West "fit food for gunpowder," and good for nothing else.

His room happens to be close to mine. I shall be pleased to conduct you there!" "You have seen Miss Van Hoyt then?" I exclaimed. "I have just left her!" he answered. I stared at him incredulously. "Do you mean to tell me," I said, "that, after last night, you have dared to remain in the hotel that you have a room here?" My visitor smiled.

Several months afterward, a manager, who is a friend of mine, was suddenly plunged in distress because of the serious illness of an actor who was to fill a part in a new American comedy that the manager was to produce on the next night. "What on earth shall I do?" he asked. "Play the part yourself, as Hoyt does in such an emergency or get Newgag." "Who's Newgag?"

When he was ushered into the library the young ladies were attracted by the physician at once, and from the first glance were inspired by confidence in his powers. Yet Dr. Hoyt spoke rather doubtfully of the case in hand. "These cases are not so rare as you might suppose," he said; "yet no two of them are exactly alike. Usually the recovery is slow and tedious; but recovery is not always assured.

That is, when she cooked. She explained that Mr. Hoyt was on the road a lot of the time and when he was home she liked to fuss for him. This when she was helping Cora cut out the georgette negligee. "I'd get coral colour if I was you, honey. With your hair and all," Mrs. Hoyt had advised her. "Why, that's my name! That is, it's what Ray calls me. My name's really Cora."

I saw a trooper, one Jared Hoyt, split the skull of a pursuing British dragoon straight across the mouth with a back-handed stroke, as he escaped from the melee; and another, one John Buckhout, duck his head as a dragoon fired at him, and, still ducking and loudly cursing the fellow, rejoin us as we sheered off from the masses of red-jacketed riders, wheeled, and went at the mounted Yagers, who did not stand our charge.

H.B. Denforth presided at the piano. "Among the gentlemen present on the platform were General Imboden, ex-Governor Lowe, General Walker, Colonel Hunter, General Daniel W. Adams, Dr. Van Avery, Mr. M.B. Fielding, Colonel Fellows, General Cabell, Colonel T.L. Gnead, Mr. McCormick, Mr. T.A. Hoyt, etc. "Mr. M.B. Fielding called the meeting to order, and requested the Rev. Dr. Carter to offer prayer.

The lady had been smelling it for some miles back, and she had got her eye on Mr. Hoyt, and had put her handkerchief to her nose. He took a long breath and said to the lady: "The air seems sort o' fixed here in this car, does it not?" and he looked up at the transom.