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"We will have to see to that part somehow, won't we, Rosanna? Well, I will talk to mother, and as soon as we decide I will come and tell you about it. At least I will if you will promise to take a nap." "I will if you will promise to wake me up." "It's a go!" agreed Uncle Robert, and went off whistling. Mrs. Horton heard the whistle. "Robert has something on his mind," she said to Mrs. Hargrave.

Wickliffe's face mirrored alarm. "Let me have it," he demanded. "You shouldn't treat such matters lightly. Men are assassinated in New York. I'll refer it to the police." Horton laughed. "That would be in the nature of referring back, wouldn't it? I fancy it came from some one not so remote from police sympathy." "What are you going to do about it?" "I'm going to stay put.

Though Sunny Boy was in a great hurry to get home and tell his mother and his grandma and Harriet about Bob, he was willing to wait while Grandpa Horton stopped at the doctor's office and left word with the nurse there to have the doctor stop at 674 White Street. That was the house in which the Parkney family lived. What a lot Sunny Boy and Grandpa Horton had to tell when they reached home!

Sunny Boy asked his mother while she was brushing his hair. He could brush his own hair, of course, but Mrs. Horton said she liked to do it for him and then she was quite sure he wouldn't forget. "Did she wonder where we were?" "Poor Miss May!" said Mrs. Horton. "She had a terrible day. Dear Daddy went around last night to tell her you were all safe.

Alexander put on his overcoat and took the superintendent by the arm. "Don't look so chopfallen, Dan. It's a jolt, but we've got to face it. It isn't the end of the world, you know. Now we'll go out and call the men off quietly. They're already nervous, Horton tells me, and there's no use alarming them. I'll go with you, and we'll send the end riveters in first."

He wished he had something to do he was tired of looking at trees and things. "I hoped you would take a little nap, but I suppose there is too much excitement," said Mrs. Horton. "Well, then, how would you like to see the surprise now?" "The surprise?" repeated Sunny Boy. "Oh, Mother is that the box?" For answer Mrs.

And so, in the country retreat at Horton, as age was beginning to come upon the good father, and he was releasing himself from the cares of business, how pleasant it had been for him, and for the placid and invalid mother, to have their elder son wholly to themselves, their one daughter continuing meanwhile in London after her first husband's decease, and then younger son also mainly residing there for his law-studies.

What had she ever done that she should not be loved and allowed to live in peace and happiness what had she done to her brutal stepfather, or to Captain Horton and to Rosie, that they should take pleasure in tormenting her? When the woman came in with the breakfast she found Fan lying sobbing on her pillow.

"What else?" quoth he, and turned abruptly to confront her. "Mistress Horton was.., was with me," she panted, her voice quivering as on the brink of tears. "'Tis unfortunate you should have separated," he condoled. "But.., but, Mr. Wilding, I... I trusted to your honour. I accounted you a gentleman. Surely... surely, sir, you will not let it be known that... I came to you?

Rivers, Cox, Horton and Barclay had formed themselves into a quartette club and were nearly always together. Rivers's arm had not healed as yet, and he still wore it in a sling. Cox and he were on the best of terms, and the Jenkintowners regarded him, as well as the other detectives, as permanent residents. De Forest was happy beyond expression, and Mrs. Maroney seemed equally so.