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Horatio's ego spreading itself in wings and bursting into ball-topped gables and overflowing into a lovely garden and a park. There isn't a tree, there isn't a flower that hasn't got bits of Horatio in it." "If I thought that I should never want to see roses and larkspurs again." "It only happens in Horatio's mind. But it does happen." So, between them, bit by bit, they made him out.

Milly exclaimed, rather shocked, and inclined to think it was one of Horatio's raw jokes. "Why not?... I ain't as old as some, if I'm not as young as others." "Who is the lady?" "A fine young woman!... I've known her well for years, and I can tell you she'll make the right sort of wife for any man."

He wasn't vulgar. But she wondered how he would camouflage it to himself that insult to his pride. And there was Ralph's pride that was so fiery and so clean. Yet "Yet Mr. Bevan comes and dines," she said. "Yes, he comes and dines. He'll always be my cousin, though he won't be Horatio's secretary. He's got a very sweet nature and he keeps the issues clear." "But what will he do?

"He wanted to write Horatio's book for him, and Horatio wouldn't let him. That was all." "Oh, well, I shan't want to write it," Barbara said. "We thought perhaps you wouldn't," said Fanny. But Barbara had turned to her bureau, affecting a discreet absorption in her list. And presently Ralph Bevan went out into the garden with Fanny to gather more tulips.

You can't have effect without contrast. Horatio, for instance, is instinctively dramatic." "Indeed!" "Yes. Oh yes! I know what I'm saying. I've studied them all. More than once, when my Soul has been communing with your August Spirit, I have watched Horatio's dramatic contrast from the corner of my eyes." Again the Prophet smiled. "The contrast frequents the chapel then?" "Frequents? Undoubtedly.

Several of our troops were already sent to Flanders, and others about to embark, in order to open the campaign; so that there was but a small space between the time of Horatio's asking leave to go, and that of his departure, which Dorilaus resolved should be in a manner befitting a youth whom he had bred up as his own.

Dorilaus then went on, and acquainted her with the particulars of Horatio's story, as he had learned it from the baron de Palfoy, with whom he now was very intimate; but as the reader is sufficiently informed of those transactions, it would be needless to repeat them; so I shall only say that Dorilaus arrived in France in a short time after Horatio had left it to enter into the service of the king of Sweden, and had wrote that letter, inserted in the eighteenth chapter, in order to engage that young warrior to return, some little time before his meeting with Louisa.

the "sweet prince" of Horatio's "good-night" the soldier for whose passage Fortinbras commanded The soldier's music and the rites of war. We think of him, too, as the haunted son of a dear father murdered, a philosophic spectator of the grotesque brutality of life, suddenly by a ghostly summons called on to take part in it; a prince, a philosopher, a lover, a soldier, a sad humourist.

While he was pouring out the transports it occasioned in the most grateful thanks to heaven, and his new found father, Louisa entered, Dorilaus having sent to the baron de Palfoy's, where he knew she was, to let her know a messenger from Russia was arrived with news of her brother: they instantly knew each other, though it was upwards of four years since they were separated, and in that time the stature of both considerably increased: nothing could exceed the joy of these amiable twins: never was felicity more perfect, which yet received addition on Horatio's part, when Louisa told him, that it was as much as Charlotta could do to restrain herself from coming with her to hear what account the supposed messenger had brought.

And the next time the reporter saw a light in the office window he broke into the seance. When the boy and his girl were not holding down the sofa at her father's home, or when there was no dance at the Imperial Club hall, nor any other social diversion, David and Larmy and the reporter would meet at the office and dive into things too deep for Horatio's philosophy.