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I coulda peddled that damn' hootch on a hangin' tray like circus lemonade. I coulda stood on the corner in any uh them damned towns with the hull works piled out on a table in front of me, an' I coulda hollered my damn' head off; an' Smilin' Lou woulda passed me by like I was sellin' chewin' gum and shoe strings."

Nolan, and drain the darned radiator. I dunno am I follered or not, but I was awhile back. But the man that catches Casey Ryan when he's on the trail an' travelin, has yet t' be born. An' you can ask anybody if that ain't so." Mack Nolan's eyes narrowed. "And who followed you then?" he asked quietly. "Did you bring any hootch?"

Jock Silbersteen is one of the pepper lads and slips you a dose of real laughter. Shoot the up and down to Jackson and West for graceful tappers. They run 1-2 under the wire. Provin and Adams will blow the blues in their laugh skit "Hootch Mon!" Something doing, boys. Listen to what the Hep Bird twitters. "Sounds like a juicy show to me. Let's all take it in," said Babbitt.

He did not immediately crawl between the blankets, however, because interesting things were happening over at Jim Cassidy's car. Casey watched Jim Cassidy go picking his way amongst the tree roots and camp litter, his back straightened under the load of hootch he was carrying to Smiling Lou's car. With Jim Cassidy also, Smiling Lou was crisply official.

Mechanically he watched the door close; then sounding far off and indistinct, Slavin's hoarse whisper in his ear brought him down to Mother Earth again with a vengeance: "Did ye mark him stoop an' 'plant' th' 'hootch?" George nodded. "I wasn't quite wise to what he was at," he answered.

So then I went huntin' booze that I could git without the hull of Nevada knowin' it in fifteen minutes. An' Casey's got this t' say: When yuh WANT hootch, it's hard t' find as free gold in granite. When yuh DON'T want it, it's forced on yuh at the point of a gun. This jug I stole seein' your business is private, Mr. Nolan.

I told Hank an' Pap you wasn't no Federal officer. They know it, too. I was foolin' back there. I knowed you didn't need no gun pulled on yuh t' make yuh put away the hootch. Lapped it up like a thirsty hound. I knowed yuh would I was kiddin' yuh, runnin' that razoo with the gun. Ain't that right?" "Darn right, that's right! I knew you was foolin' all along.

Casey thrust out a pugnacious chin. "Say! D' you know Bill Masters, too? That's all I wanta know!" "Bill Masters? Why, is he the fellow who stepped out from under this load of hootch? If he is, he must have picked himself a new name; I never heard it." Casey glared suspiciously for twenty seconds before he settled back glumly into his mental corner. "Ryan, I've been all day sizing you up.

Each of the men still had a number of important things to say about prohibition, and now that each had a loyal listener in his dinner-partner he burst out: "I found a place where I can get all the hootch I want at eight a quart " "Did you read about this fellow that went and paid a thousand dollars for ten cases of red-eye that proved to be nothing but water?

Here at its mouth, during the famine days before the steamboats came, they had cached their supplies; here they had brewed their hootch in the fall and held high carnival to celebrate their good luck or to drown their ill-fortune.