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Hoare reports a case of a mare that had produced fracture in jumping. Fracture of the other tarsal bones are very seldom observed but may be occasioned by contusions wherein multiple or comminuted fractures are produced, such as are to be seen in small animals. Symptomatology. Great pain attends this accident according to the observations given in recorded cases.

Interesting details respecting Paoli, as well as on the island and its inhabitants. Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy. 4 vols. 8vo. Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily. By Sir R.C.Hoare, Bart. 1819. 4to. Mr.

Hoare, and several other friends were busy, in the interval between 1813 and 1816, in establishing a society for the reformation of juvenile thieves. This matter of prison discipline was therefore engaging the attention of her immediate circle. Doubtless, while listening to them, she remembered most anxiously the miserable women whom she had visited some three years previously. It seems that Mrs.

Charles Hoare a week, and before I left Clifton had a budget in my head for a letter to you, which I really had not a moment's time to write. I left them all very well, just going to leave Ashton Bower, which I am not sorry for, though it has such a pretty romantic name; it is not a fit Bower to live in in winter, it is so cold and damp.

In the majority of instances, when there is occasioned serious inconvenience, the outcome is not likely to be favorable, according to Möller. Detachment of a portion of the thrombus, according to Hoare, may result in the lodgment of an embolus in the brain or kidneys. The latter authority also states that muscular atrophy may occur owing to lack of blood supply in some of these cases.

The five next, of whom Samuel Hoare was chosen as the treasurer, were they who had been the commitee of the second class, or of the Quakers in England, with the exception of Dr. Knowles, who was then dying, but who, having heard of our meeting, sent a message to us, to exhort us to proceed.

In the last part of this sentence the great doctor either forgets, or shows his ignorance of, the antiquities at Avebury. Sir Richard Hoare, at the close of the century, is equally convinced that this explanation is the right one.

Sir Richard Hoare, who has studied the mystery most closely, declines all these theories, and says the monument is grand but "voiceless." Horace Walpole shrewdly observes that whoever examines Stonehenge attributes it to that class of antiquity of which he is himself most fond; and thus it remains an insoluble problem to puzzle the investigator and impress the tourist.

Later on in the month, a Protestant dignitary, Dean Hoare of Achonry, wrote a letter to the Mansion House Committee, in which, whilst he gave substantially the same views of the potato failure as hundreds of others, he complained in a mild spirit of the people in his locality as being "very slow" to adopt the methods recommended for preserving the potatoes from decay.

There are about as cut-throat a lot of thieves in Alexandria as in any port on the Mediterranean, and that is saying a good deal." "It is quite possible that there will be trouble here before long," Mr. Hoare remarked at dinner. "I saw something in the paper about it," Mr. Alston, the third mate, said; "but I did not trouble to read through the accounts. What is it all about?"

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