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Foot: 7 Tarsal or ankle bones, 5 Metatarsal or instep bones, 14 Phalanges, or toes bones, making 30 bones in all. The Thigh. The longest and strongest of all the bones is the femur, or thigh bone. Its upper end has a rounded head which fits into the acetabulum, or the deep cup-like cavity of the hip bone, forming a perfect ball-and-socket joint.

Seeing the unexpected, coughed to hide his confusion; indeed he knew not which way to turn, when his Lordship walked to his side and raised the cover of the basket and looked within. "It appears that 'twas a feast thou wert preparing; everything suitable for a full meal. Here is fowl and cheese and mutton tarsal and bread and ale, Egad! we shall not want now, shall we, Mistress Penwick?

Viewed from the front and slightly laterally after removal of joint capsule and long collateral ligaments. T.c., central tarsal bone. Ridge of third tarsal bone. T.f. Fourth tarsal bone. Mt. III, Mt. IV. Metatarsal bones. Arrow points to vascular canal.

It is especially difficult to decide upon the manner of handling such cases where the tarsal joint is wounded, although one hesitates to invade any joint to the extent of incising its capsule, unless there is urgent need of so doing.

And finally, a very important feature to be noted, is the location of the exostosis. If situated rather high and extending anterior to the hock, there is less likelihood of recovery resulting than where an exostosis is confined to the lower row of tarsal bones.

Thus it seems that subjects of rather faulty conformation, animals having lymphatic temperaments and the coarse-bred types, are prone to synovial disturbances such as thoroughpin, bog spavin, etc., sometimes having both legs affected. Symptomatology. Thoroughpin is characterized by a distended condition of the tarsal sheath which is manifested by protrusions anterior to the tendo Achillis.

The old manservant read on again: "The pterylological characters of Photodilus seem not to have been investigated, but it has been found to want the tarsal loop, as well as the manubrial process, while its clavicles are not joined in a furcula, nor do they meet the keel, and the posterior margin of the sternum has processes and fissures like the tawny section."

Authorities are agreed that prognosis is entirely unfavorable in mature animals, when the case is viewed from an economic standpoint. Tarsal Sprains. Etiology and Occurrence. The hock joint is often subjected to great strain because of the structural nature of this part and its relation to the hip as well as the manner in which the tarsus functionates during locomotion.

In the bird the fibula is small and its lower end diminishes to a point. The tibia has a strong crest at its upper end and its lower extremity passes into a broad pulley. There seem at first to be no tarsal bones; and only one bone, divided at the end into three heads for the three toes which are attached to it, appears in the place of the metatarsus.

No muscle in the hand exactly corresponds with this, which is eminently a foot muscle. To resume the foot of man is distinguished from his hand by the following absolute anatomical differences: By the arrangement of the tarsal bones. By having a short flexor and a short extensor muscle of the digits. By possessing the muscle termed 'peronaeus longus'.