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Later, unless an unusually large exostosis is formed, which may cause a constant irritation due to its size and juxtaposition to the carpus, lameness is discontinued. Symptomatology. Lameness is usually the first manifestation of this disorder, and the thing which characterizes splint lameness is its peculiar intermittence.

On the other hand, resolution may occur during the stage of periosteal inflammation, or, an exostosis forms which causes no interference with function. Before there is evidence of an exostosis, diagnosis of ringbone is not easy, for it is then a problem of detecting the presence of a ligamentous sprain, periostitis, or osteitis.

This is marked during the incipient stages of spavin. Lameness usually precedes the formation of exostosis, though cases are observed wherein an exostosis is present and no lameness is manifested and no history of the previous existence of lameness is available.

Exostosis of the first and second phalanges is usually due to some form of injury, whether it be a contusion, a lacerated wound which damages the periosteum, or periostititis and osteitis incited by concussions of locomotion, or ligamentous strain. Practically the only exception is in the rachitic form of ringbone which affects young animals.

In such cases, it is unreasonable to expect to check the size of the exostosis and, of course, such methods are not employed where lameness causes distress to the subject. Firing usually causes prompt recovery from lameness and is a dependable manner of treating such cases but there remains more blemish following cauterization than where vesication is done.

Whereas, in cases where other treatment is begun early, there usually follows considerable diminution in the size of the exostosis. A rest of four or five weeks is necessary and very young animals should not be put to work too soon, if the character of the work is such as to induce a recurrence of the trouble.

Concussion such as is caused by fast work on hard roads, or work on rough or irregular road surfaces which cause unequal distribution of weight, will cause splint lameness and exostosis follows. Course.

If we suppose that the fighting was slower and less fierce in the Bovidae, so that the skin over the exostosis was subject to friction but not lacerated, the result would be a thickening of the horny layer of the epidermis as we find it, and the fact that the skin and periosteum are not destroyed explains why the horns are not shed but permanent.

Here, too, the absence of any exostosis proves that death quickly followed the wound. Fragment of human tibia with exostosis enclosing the end of a flint arrow. In other cases the victims seem to have lived for some time.

It is a misnomer, in a sense, and the veterinarian is frequently obliged to spend considerable time with his clients in order to convince them that a spherodial exostosis of the proximal phalanx, in certain cases, is in reality "ringbone," even though there exists no exostosis which completely encircles the affected bone. Etiology and Occurrence.