United States or Gabon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I want to talk to you, Richard," said he, and although thick, there was in his voice a certain impressive quality that had been absent hitherto. "'S a rumour current." He lowered his voice to a whisper almost, and, leaning across, took his companion by the arm. He hiccoughed noisily, then began again. "'S a rumour current, sweetheart, that you're disaffected."

The tall clock in the hall gave a preliminary wheeze, then hiccoughed nine times violently. The Doctor carefully arranged his voluminous papers in a shabby, brown portfolio, and rose with an effort. "You will excuse me now if I bid you good night? My physician has become rather arbitrary in regulating my hours.

His shoulders shook, feebly at first, then more violently; his flat chest heaved, and he hiccoughed as if from physical weakness. It was alarming, and she rose, staring at him affrightedly. The sight of her increased his mirthless laughter. He continued to shudder and shake in uncontrollable hysteria, but his eyes were bright and watchful.

And she thinks the world is a magnificent place, and she loves it, and wallows fairly wallows in content. Now which is right: Suzon or Father Hallon Aphrodite or the Nazarene? Which is peace as the bird and the beast of the field get it the fallow futile content, or " He suddenly stopped, hiccoughed, then hurriedly drawing paper before him, he sat down. For an hour he wrote. It grew darker.

The Dop Doctor, left to maintain the inviolate sanctity of this English Colonial home, hiccoughed as he stumbled up the stately flight of three cement steps that led between white-painted railings, enclosing on the left hand a narrow strip of garden with some dusty mimosa shrubs growing in it, to the green door that bore the brass plate, and had the red lamp fitted in the hall-light above it.

The engine barked, hiccoughed, barked again but more faintly, and then stopped altogether. I knew what was the matter. Before I reached the gasolene tank and unscrewed the little cover I knew it. I thrust in the gauge stick and heard it strike bottom, drew it out and found it, as I expected, dry to the very tip. I had trusted, like an imbecile, to Lute.

The pain irritated by the words of the coupletist, caressed Foma's soul more and more passionately, and the coupletist went on thundering, intoxicated with the impurity of his accusation: "You think that you are the master of life? You are the low slave of the rouble." Someone in the crowd hiccoughed, and, evidently displeased with himself for this, cursed each time he hiccoughed: "Oh devil."

He demurred a moment, then, changing his mind, consented and crossed to the door, while Dora ran to her own room and hid. Paul was very much surprised to find that the visitor was Zita, much excited. "I want you to help me on something of great importance," she exclaimed, almost before she had entered. "Why, certainly! Anything you desire!" hiccoughed Paul. "Come on in."

Virginia went back to her dressing table, where she pretended to be busily occupied combing her hair. He followed her, still laughing. When his merriment had somewhat subsided, he hiccoughed: "That boy's more fun to me! I wouldn't lose his company for anything in the world! From the very first day he came to work for me he's been full of suggestions. They've all been good.

His Lordship would also have you know that this campaign is as much in your own interest as in his, for the Hungarians, in their devastating march, spare neither high nor low." "Tell his Lordship," hiccoughed the Count, "that I sit safely in my Castle of Bertrich, and that I defy all the Hungarians who were ever let loose to disturb me therein.